United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Needed suggestions - Page 2
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Re: Needed suggestions

Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 8:06 pm
by Carolyn J
Yeah, somethings you read and se may make you cry(crying is good sometimes too) BUT did you happen to see the pictures posted in "UBPN Camp" Forum from 2007?...and see all of the happy smiling kids and adults "with"??
We have f-u-n!! Please plan to come to Camp 2009. Keep watch this web site for information.

Thanks alot for the Update information re K. Kennedy's eforts to get our Injuries counted in Iowa. I am working on this for our WA State but things are slooow here. Thanks too, for the Links.

Carolyn J :)

Re: Needed suggestions

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 1:59 am
by Luc
your idea is much better than mine. I hope that bill passes, that would make me smile.

Luke, LOBPI. 26

Re: Needed suggestions

Posted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 3:07 am
by Baeta
welcome Heather!
I actually can bend my arm up, but my elbow is locked so i can't bend it down. it's real great for lifting things i must say! My mother called it "erb's palsy" my whole life. it wasn't until in my recent years i started really researching it and found out more terms and info on the subject. personally, i haven't had surgery and stopped OT when i was 8 and I've learned to function pretty normally(though aesthetically it looks pretty out of place and i understand your want of surgery). I hope you figure out what you yourself need!
Beth 21, right OBPI