United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Water Skiing... 3 TBPIs in Mexico!!! - Page 2
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Re: Water Skiing... 3 TBPIs in Mexico!!!

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2008 9:20 am
by hope16_05
One more question DAn, what did you make it out of? It looks amazing and just what I need!

Chris, thanks for posting the close up pics!

Thanks Guys!

Re: Water Skiing... 3 TBPIs in Mexico!!!

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 9:24 pm
by Dan
Hi Amy,

I have it made by a local company that specializes in building high speed safety equipment. The general material is a heavy fabric and then supported by straps. They use heavy stitching also. That was one of the other upgrades I did about 12 years ago was to have this company build my sling and use their materials, before that the stitching came apart and some of the materials tore.

If they were to build one from scratch and to my specifications, it will cost approx $250.00 I would have to take my harness in so they could match it, but not a problem for me as it is not far.

Also, I would want to spend some time discussing with you how I use it and some techniques to get out of the water with fewer problems. Chris could tell you it took a little coaching and some underwater dragging to get the hang of how to use it.

Just let me know, I would be happy to help in any way possible.

Re: Water Skiing... 3 TBPIs in Mexico!!!

Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2008 10:21 pm
by hope16_05
Dan, anything you are willing to share with me would be awesome! Since my dream of rock climbing was cancelled for me, I have chosen to take up water skiing since I have always wanted to do that anyway.

That kind of money makes sense but it might have to wait a while. I am a college student and it might take me a while to collect the extra cash.

I am up for the challenge of water skiing!
Thanks a bunch for the info especially on cost. That helps!

Re: Water Skiing... 3 TBPIs in Mexico!!!

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 1:42 pm
by Dan
Hi Amy,

Not sure when your water ski season starts in Minnesota, but it should give you a few months to get ready and save a little. All I know is that lets not let a few dollars stop you from skiing.

Also, if there are any other sports you were thinking about doing, let me know if I can give you some tips as I have done lots of them over the years.

I am sure there are lots of details behind why your dream of rock climbing was cancelled, but I usually look at that as a challenge to figure out how to make it happen. My attitude has always been if I wanted to do something bad enough, I would set the goal and then determine what I needed to do to get there. If you want to talk about in more detail, e-mail me and we can exchange phone numbers.


Message was edited by: Dan

Re: Water Skiing... 3 TBPIs in Mexico!!!

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2008 4:55 pm
by hope16_05
Hey Dan
Last May, I made a choice to have surgery to stop my pain. The pain got to be too distracting for me to deal with if there was a way out. So I took the way out. At the time of my surgery I was only supposed to have temporary restrictions placed on me. However it is getting ever so much closer to a year post surgery and I am still getting the same reply from my doctor. He thinks that my graft is not going to be strong enough. I had a tendon transfer and needed extra tendon -- they took my pectoralis major and splint it then went around my side and drilled a hole in the base of my scapula looped the extra tendon through the hole and attached it to my pec muscle. I keep asking and keep getting the same answer that climbing again will put too much strain on my transfer and tear the transfer putting me right back into a terrible pain pattern. I never want that pain back but havent come up with a good way to climb and not use my right hand since I know its there and I still have some use.

So anyway thats why my rock climbing had been cancelled for now. Water skiing on the other hand I have always been told but for no good reason so that is a challenge. I will find a way to do it! I woud say the earliest we can water ski in my parts of MN would be mid June. So I have some time. How long would it take to get the harness made? And is it something that if I take care of it will it last me a long time?

If you have any tips on rock climbing that does not involve using the right arm at all that would be awesome!
Thanks a million!