United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Biofeedback - Page 2
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Re: Biofeedback

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 7:38 pm
by srhykerd
If you are interested in buying one of the biofeedback machines I found some that are identical to the ones they use in the Mayo PT/OT dept. Here's the link http://www.sammonspreston.com/Supply/Pr ... af_Id=2937#
Mel's insurance doesn't cover the cost at this time. She's for surgery in October. Sue

Re: Biofeedback

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 11:27 am
by ptrefam
Ok, this is worse than a kid before Christmas!! His appt is finally tomorrow and if it doesn't get here quick I will have a stroke from the anticipation. Looking for great results. Will let you all kow what happens.

Re: Biofeedback

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 5:15 pm
by ptrefam
Dustin's first therapy using the bio feedabck machine was today. What we found was he could and was firing his bicep but once it was fired he was losing touch with the muscle. So with the machine he was able to maintain contact and keep the muscle contraction for 10 seconds and move the lights up higher. Started at 50 and had increased to 70+. This was in a 90 degree bend. Once the arm was more straight it was harder for him to keep the contration or contact. After a few tries he could maintain contact for 10 seconds and was in the 50 range. We were also able to then detect that the flexors had a flicker. It was hard for me to have to watch the therapist as I wanted to try all Kate's tricks, but I did think it was a good first session and that it is worth going back and trying again. Second session will be on fri. They will also talk more about getting a machine for at home at that time. They worked mostly on the bicep in these positions and thought he could strengthen it using this to know when it was contracted. He also put the arm on the table out in front and tried to bend it in. At first he was not able to bend from a straight position but by the third try he had found the bicep and could bend it in. This was in the out of gravity position. I think he plans to give it a real try and see what other improvements he sees.

Re: Biofeedback

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 5:34 pm
by Kath
Sue this sounds and so promising for Dustin.
I can't wait to hear about his next session.
Kath robpi/adult

Re: Biofeedback

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 8:02 pm
by katep
OMG, Sue, that is so exciting!!!!

I am at work, I want to jump around and WOO HOO you!!

I am sure that with continued attention he will get more and more out of it. You know that one of theories why e-stim works is that it actually gets the brain to pay attention and devote more brain to that area. Well, Dustin was doing that directly!

I hope you'll also join the sEMG board we set up and copy/paste your updates there. That way they won't get lost in all the other posts and hopefully the sheer numbers of people making things happen with biofeedback for BPI will really help move this idea into maintstream! (A girl can hope, right?)


Re: Biofeedback

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 11:28 am
by Drake's Mom
Sue how old is Dustin? Drake is 6 and so i was wondering how easy or hard it is for the younger ages to do this biofeedback? I asked his new therapist and she said she would be all for it and if i wanted her to write a script for it she would. i'm not sure if my insurance will cover it either. But the hospital where Drake goes for therapy does not have one.

Re: Biofeedback

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 4:14 pm
by marieke
When it comes to age, Katep is using it on her 2.5 yr old and I know a few other moms are getting a unti and their kids are UNDER 2 years old... Yes it is possible to use with babies, so then can be used on any age child! At camp there were 3-4-5 yr olds trying it out and getting things out of it.
Marieke (31, LOBPI)

Re: Biofeedback

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 5:52 pm
by Kath
I am using Myotrac and I was told my muscles were paralyzed and nothing could be done for years.
Now I can raise my arm up in the air and out to my side.
I am working on my infraspinatus and we will see.
Kath robpi/adult/67

Re: Biofeedback

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 9:14 pm
by ptrefam
Dustin is 20. I had to call our insurance and they gave me a list of therapy centers around the valley here. They included sports therapy, hand and shoulder, ect. I called until I found one with the bio feedback. Then set an appt and had the dr fax a scrip. Since I had already asked the insurance which ones were in our plan I knew it would be covered. Now I want a machine at home. They won't cover that but the therapy place we chose to go to will order us a unit for at home at their cost. This will be about $360.00 plus shipping. I definately think you could use it on a 6 yr old. It may just be a bit more of a chanllenge giving him ideas on how to find "lost" muscles. But Dustin finds it easy to turn on the machine and get stronger contractions all the time. Today, was his second day and he admitted he did see where it is helping. Tired tonight so will post about the appt tomorrow.

Re: Biofeedback

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 9:24 pm
by marieke
Drake's Mom,
Check out Kate's board she made for the Myotrac itself, well, for useres of it. It may give you some ideas on how to get a 6 yr old to do it...


Marieke (31, LOBPI)