United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • How was camp? - Page 2
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Re: How was camp?

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 5:30 pm
by tylergsmom
So glad to hear you all had a good time! Love the pics!!! We can't wait for Camp 2009...FLORIDA!!! YEAH!!!!!!


Re: How was camp?

Posted: Tue Sep 04, 2007 6:52 pm
by cbe411
I think camp was great this year!!

I would ALWAYS like to see more TBPI out there but it still was a great weekend! Joe, Ryan and I enjoyed our chatting times!

It was truly amazing to see the kids growing up! Many of them I have seen since New York 6 years ago and watching them grown and develop into 'mature' people is great!

I did spend some time with the teens, helping Josh A facilitate things UBPN can do for them and even things that they can do for UBPN. It was nice to see them interested, as they are getting older.

It was beautiful to see the children bonding with each other... I even heard of a few sleep overs at camp!

To my BOD... I applaud you all for the hours of hard work put into planning and execution of camp this year. And to the volunteers who helped out, we appreciate you too!

Peggy, it was great to see you an the FREG clan!

Josh & Elyssa, it was nice to spend some time with you guys! You are growing up FAST and turning into great people!

Ralf, Tim & Marleen, thanks for the roundtable with Jeff, he really enjoyed sharing with you guys!

Kimberly and Brit... thank you so much for accommodating Jeff & I on Monday evening... that was a real treat and my poor planning kicked in!

Camp 2009 is right around the corner... we will keep you all posted as we get things moving!!

Thanks to all!!

Re: How was camp?

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 10:06 am
by mommieinneed
Camp was awesome.

Maggie made a couple of friends that will hopefully last a lifetime. She doesnt stop talking about or even to{she has a toy cell phone} Amber, Alyse, Jackson, and Caroline. It is the cutest thing, her bebopping around with the phone attatched to her ear.

She loves the pic Marieke gave her before we left camp. She even sleeps with it.

I already miss sitting on the tire talking. I dont do well with big groups but the other mothers that hung around the tire was just enough for me, even though I listen in the mothers group I just cant talk around alot of people, hopefully I get out of that by the next camp.

I learned sooooooo much and im so glad I got to go to camp. I cant wait till 09. I bawled like a baby in the therapy session. I was just soooooo mad at the therapy around me that doesnt want to help Maggie.

Well I cant wait to start talking to all of the wonderful mothers I met over the weekend and hopefully we can remain friends for a long period of time and watch our little ones grow up together too.

Re: How was camp?

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 8:38 pm
by mlynn
hey leslie,
alyce wants to visit maggie. she wants to write a pen pal she is still talking about how much fun she had w u and ian. i am so glad to have met u all. i had such a great time sharing our stories. life changing for me! i hope to see u in florida (thank god soooo close)
my husband got a lot out of the trip, we are sooo tired still! the time change grabbed us. that huge tire will always be in my heart full of heart felt stories. i am sooooo happy to have met everyone i talked to! especially u and ur bunk mate! email me !

Re: How was camp?

Posted: Wed Sep 05, 2007 9:52 pm
by marieke
:) I'm glad Maggie likes the picture! So cute that she sleeps with it.. awww, so cute!
Marieke (31, LOBPI)

Re: How was camp?

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 12:09 am
by Kath
I had my best Camp Experience!
I want to thank my fellow BOD Members for doing an outstanding job of sharing and work and making this camp run so smoothly.

I would also like to thank those who egged my husband into do the Zip... I would loved to do it but I would only do it if Nancy went first... LOL.

I want to thank the parents for bringing such great kids to camp. Both the injured and uninjured children were great they were always smiling.

Camp food I see is still Camp food but it was the company at meal time that made meals great.

I loved our teenagers and how freely they sat and talked and joked with me. The little ones were so cute and watching the comfort level they began to get on the first day was so rewarding.

Everyone was so friendly and we have a great community.
I just wish I could have met all the people I intended to but time was so short. I wish camp was a week long.

Thanks again to all the families and our BOD for making this a great experience.

Kath robpi/adult

Re: How was camp?

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 12:56 am
by katep
I can't believe how incredible it was getting to know so many adults with OBPI (and TBPI)! What an incredible learning experience and you all gave me so much hope for Joshua, that he will turn out great no matter his recovery. I think I'm going to die to wait another 2 years and see how everyone is doing in person. We are definitely ON for Camp 2009.

And Judy-T - if you are listening - any possibility that camp can be scheduled for the weekend of April 25/26 or the following, so Tom and I can celebrate our second honeymoon in Florida?!? :) :)


Re: How was camp?

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 3:19 am
by jep98056
Here are some of my thoughts on this Camp 2007:

I agree with Kath that it was the best one yet. The camp facility is designed for children of all ages - from toddlers to teenagers. So there were fun things for everyone to do. The young children's laughter echoed in the trees as they ran and played on the swings and slides. It was great fun to watch BPI’s in Go-Carts racing around the track with their sometime terrified, mostly smiling parent beside them. It was inspiring to watch a determined BPI climb some 40 feet up the zip line tower to the encouraging cries of their friends and family below and then “zip” along the cable to a soft landing. And hearing the bell ring at the climbing wall. It was very impressive to see Amy, Joe, and Chris demonstrate catching and throwing baseballs with ease and ability. Stephanie Sweig would have been equally impressed.

I was able to facilitate a forum of therapists who I believe provided useful information to the attending parents and injured adults. The aqua therapy session was a first for our Camps.

Like at previous camps I met young adults and young boys and girls with injuries similar to mine. I was able to share with them some of my life experiences with this injury that I hope was helpful and showed that they too will lead happy, productive lives with BPI.

My wife Marlene had been to previous camps so she had met injured kids and adults before. This Camp was a chance for my brother Ray, sister Mary, and son Stephen to meet, for the first time, BPI adults and children and their families. They were very impressed. Kath is right. We have a great community.

Special thanks to the BOD and particularly to Karen and Nancy for the organization and planning that made this Camp run smoothly. Also, thanks to Tim for obtaining our projector and helping me to set it up.

John P.

Re: How was camp?

Posted: Thu Sep 06, 2007 5:04 pm
by Samsmom
Camp was great. This was our first year attending. We brought all five of our kids ranging in age from 8 months up to 9 years old. They all had a great time. There was constantly something to do, someone to meet, and something to learn about.
I met so many awesome moms. It's amazing how all the moms can relate with me because we're all going through the same trial.
The Ubpn board members are awesome. They put a lot of work into camp and it turned out great.
We look forward to making camp a tradition in our family.

Re: How was camp?

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 12:42 pm
by tomp
Okay. I finally got some pictures up for each day.

You can see them here or check each day:

Camp Day 1
Camp Day 2
Camp Day 3
Camp Day 4