United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Arm swing while walking/running? - Page 2
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Re: Arm swing while walking/running?

Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 1:24 pm
by ccorkra
I have noticed Lucy (22mths, LOBPI) swinging her arm and yes it seems like those times when she is goofing around, really hamming it up as she walks down the hall. Sometimes she will swing her left arm (both really) when she is standing still. The majority of the time however her left arm will hang by her side. I am definitely trying to observe her movements though more now than ever. Carol, mom to Lucy (22mths LOBPI)

Re: Arm swing while walking/running?

Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 8:22 pm
by Katiesmom0514
Just my piece....

Katie does not swing her injured arm either. Always figured it was residual effects of the injury. I think it bothers me to see that more than it bothers the Katie. I always worry what other kids will notice when she gets to school next year.

Cheri, Mom to Katie, 5, LOBPI

Re: Arm swing while walking/running?

Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 9:24 pm
by claudia
No one has ever said anything to Juliana about her arm not swinging. No one has ever made fun of her because of the way she postures to run. And they know all about it, because she had adaptive p.e. for 3 years.

She just came in while I was typing this and she said that kids have ASKED her why she runs that way and why she can't do things with her arm/hand. She says that it is injured. She says when they ask how, she says "it is a long story and we don't have that much more time in recess."

I know it is hard to hear, but don't sweat this one. The kids get into school and there are children with speech impediments and learning issues....I think the kids learn a lot about tolerance.

Juliana has friends and she plays and she lives her life. More and more I see her arm taking a backseat to learning to dive, riding horses, playing on the playground, hitting a baseball and riding a two-wheeler. And I am happy to let her arm become "secondary" to the rest of life.

good luck,

Re: Arm swing while walking/running?

Posted: Wed May 23, 2007 1:08 pm
by Carolyn J
Both my knees still have many many scars from falling in Bike riding & skating..but the bloody scapes & scabs never stopped me..I got right back on 'cause I loved these activities alot!!

AT Camp I can match anybody in most scars on legs ,elbows but most on knees!

Carolyn J

Re: Arm swing while walking/running?

Posted: Wed May 23, 2007 2:57 pm
by hope16_05
I only swing my arm when I am thinking about it. But never when I run, when running my elbow is always bent and my arm in tucked in at my tummy. It feels safer there I think. No one has ever noticed me not swinging my arm, and if they have they never said anything. I dont even notice it most of the time.

No worries, it appears to be bpi "normal"

Amy 20 ROBPI from MN

Re: Arm swing while walking/running?

Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 8:18 am
by brandonsmom
My son usally does NOT swing his arm when he runs it is usually up in the air(I associate this with the fact that he learned how to walk with the SOL splint on and that is how he balances) but last year at "FIELD DAY" at school the PE teacher was taking alot of pictures of Brandon, she always does loves his determination....anyway...I saw his picture on the bulletin board and his arm while running was in a "NORMAL" position, I Was so excited. I have it blown up in a frame on my wall. He doesn't hardly walk LOL so I don't notice the arm swing when he walks!!! I will pay closer attention next time !!

Re: Arm swing while walking/running?

Posted: Thu May 24, 2007 2:41 pm
by Ben's Dad
Same story here, my son doesn't swing his left arm (LOBPI) when he runs...which makes for slower and ackward running. He has never worn a splint or anything like that. I would have to agree that it seems like a residual effect associated with Erb's. I suppose this is one of those things that make this injury is permanent.

Re: Arm swing while walking/running?

Posted: Fri May 25, 2007 2:52 pm
by Amy Clark
Lexi tucks her arm in front of her to run. I've noticed that since she was able to run, before 2! She seems to feel like it's safer that way or something. I suppose she's never said that to me, I just guessed from watching her. When she just walks, however, it hangs fairly normally at her side. (Although she has a significant contracture, and her right arm is much shorter that the left.)

Re: Arm swing while walking/running?

Posted: Fri May 25, 2007 2:55 pm
by Amy Clark
Me, again,

She also kind of leans forward into her injured side, almost like she is going to protect her arm with her shoulder should she fall. When she does fall, though, she lands right on her face, poor thing, because she can't throw her arm out to stop herself, and she was already leaning in that direction! Anyone else notice that?

Re: Arm swing while walking/running?

Posted: Sat May 26, 2007 11:45 am
by Carolyn J
FYI, when I have fallen, and I still do occasionally with balance, uneven gait problems, it has always been a reflex action that my unaffected arm stiffens and goes out front of me and I fall on it[it has saved my face,TBTG.

Carolyn J