United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Spider bite on bp arm - Page 2
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Re: Spider bite on bp arm

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 5:56 am
by brandonsmom
about a year ago, I took my daughter to the ER. She was complaining about a sore throat, although her throat was not swollen and she had a fever. We sat in there forever.....he looked at her throat and said,"Pharyngitis.....I said"can we do a little more, My daughter has a HIGH tolerance for pain and there is something going on"(SHE is Not BPI) So he said in disgust"Fine, I will draw blood...."the next thing I know they are sending her for a neck x-ray. Never telling me once what they were thinking. The next thing I know the doctor walked into the room, said"we are admitting your daughter into peds" and walked out, no time for questions. When I called him back he said:" I have 4 suicide victims in here I am busy" I said, "well, my daughter doesn't want to die and I want to know what is going on.." He said"they will tell you up on the floor." Well, she had epligititis, a bacterial infection of the Epiglottis, and if we hadn't caught it, it could've swollen shut and she would've suffocated. That is why I was persistent, but I think that is what KATE was saying.....to always follow up with a PCP !!! Gayle

Re: Spider bite on bp arm

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 4:01 pm
by bugsntazz
My non BPI daughter got bitten last summer by a spider on her foot. At first, it appeared as a bite we were not sure what. The next day, it was red and swollen. We went ot the ped. They said spider bite and to watch for additional swelling and redness. The next day, she had swelling, redness, and hard red/purple center. We took her back to dr, not her usual doc. They put her on antibiotic. Day 4, still not better looking was actually deeper and harder. back to reg ped. She had a spider bite that got a staph infection. The other dr. did not give her the correct antibiotic to fight staph, so new set of antibiotic and powerful dose. It took a good 7 days to resemble somewhat normal. My daughter was nto in any pain at all, it just looked uncomfortable. So keep going back to your PEd, go with your gut...

Re: Spider bite on bp arm

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 1:58 am
by evee

I am taking him to see his doctor for a follow-up. I hope your daughter is doing ok. I just hate doctors that do not communicate. They make you feel dumb or not important.

Thank you

Re: Spider bite on bp arm

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 2:02 am
by evee

My sons arm is not swollen anymore. It is still red and pink. It still feels hard and warm. I noticed that his arm is light pink and has spread to the side of his arm. It does not look infected. It just looks like when kids have a fever (pink). He still has no pain or itching.


Re: Spider bite on bp arm

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 8:29 am
I noticed that no one said anything about a tick bite. Which are possible even with no sign of a tick. I just read an article yesterday on the signs and symptoms in woman's day mag. I would definately follow up with your regular ped.


P.S I am allergic to mosquitos and when I get bit after the initial itch it turns to a hard lump that last about 3 days.

Re: Spider bite on bp arm

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 12:07 am
by evee

Christian did get mosquito bites and they did swell and get hard and red. I thought they were tick or flea bits but I just killed 2 mosquitos today. I have flea bites on my legs near my ankles and I saw one on Christians leg. When I took it off his leg to look at it, it jumped back onto his sock. I got it and killed it. I quess it hopped on his legs when we go outside. So if the mosquito bites are swollen,red and hard does that mean that he is also allergic? They look ugly and look like they hurt. He scratches alot. I put cordizone on them. I'm thinking of buying Aveeno oatmeal bath to bathe him.


Re: Spider bite on bp arm

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 8:47 am
by brandonsmom
I put hand sanitizer on my kids bites. It lasts longer.......and keeps them from scratching and seems to dry them much quicker. Try it !!!! Gayle

Re: Spider bite on bp arm

Posted: Fri Jun 09, 2006 4:11 pm
by admin
My grandson (non-bpi) had a spider bite on his abdomen. After 2-3 days it didn't look better and he was taken to his ped. Ped said to watch it a couple of more days..still wasn't any better. Back to ped who inserted a needle, got out pus. He was put on antibiotic, and if it had not healed it, he would have needed abdominal surgery... the infection was going inward. Bottom line, don't mess around with spider bites!!

Re: Spider bite on bp arm

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 12:52 am
by evee
Hi Gayle

I will try it. It is still pink. It is like a band around half of his upper arm.


Re: Spider bite on bp arm

Posted: Sun Jun 11, 2006 12:56 am
by evee

I am still keeping my eyes on it. In fact I keep checking his whole body to make sure he doesn't get any other bites. It is still pink but looks better. It did spread like a pink band around half of his upper arm. It is not infected. It just looks like he fell or someone hit his arm. He doesnt complain of pain or itching.
