United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • no health insurance - Page 2
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Re: no health insurance

Posted: Thu Apr 20, 2006 4:09 pm
by Christopher
Surgeons used to wait six months before operating, to let damaged nerves recover and not operate on something that might recoup on it's own. The problem with waiting that long is that muscles atrophy too much, especially if it takes a while from the time of surgery to the time the nerves have actually regenerated all the way back to the targeted muscles.

Up to four months is the 'new' time frame window for surgery. A lot of neurosurgeons that don't specialize in Brachial Plexus Injuries don't realize this, even the best. So it is imperative that your boyfriend see a specialist that has a history of dealing with BPI. Good luck, you're in my thoughts...


ps I was worked on by the Mayo team, and I highly recommend giving them a try, specifically because they may help out w/costs and they're among the very very best.