United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Help struggling to come to terms with injury - Page 2
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Re: Help struggling to come to terms with injury

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 11:05 am
by lizzyb
Hi Liz

I posted an answer to your questions on the TBPI Group boards, and sent you an email. Don't worry too much; as Mike said, because you haven't actually avulsed any nreve roots, you have the very best prospects for a very good if not full recovery. I know I keep bleating on about it, but it IS very important to keep up with those ROM exercises!

Best of luck..

From the other Liz F!

Re: Help struggling to come to terms with injury

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 4:55 pm
by admin
Hi Liz,
I'm so sorry to hear of your accident. I know how you feel and I had hard coping too. I was injured from a c-section to delivery my daughter on May 10, 2004. My injury was not as severe as most, so now am I doing quite well. But, I had a very hard time with pain and not being able to use my arm. I know how heartbroken you feel because I had a hard time deeling with the fact I could not take care of my newborn daughter. But you will adapt and find ways to do things on your own. It is only within the last 4 months that I was able to stop taking pain medicine. I still have a lot of numbness in my lower arm and hand, but not bad pain like before. I have total function of my arm, just have weakness and I can't over due it by picking up heavy things or I end up having some pain again. I hope this helps. I know how hard it is to deal with the pain and the feeling of being alone... but you've come to the right place for support!
Keep a positive attitude :)

Re: Help struggling to come to terms with injury

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2006 4:57 pm
by michelle h
Hi Liz,
I'm so sorry to hear of your accident. I know how you feel and I had hard coping too. I was injured from a c-section to delivery my daughter on May 10, 2004. My injury was not as severe as most, so now am I doing quite well. But, I had a very hard time with pain and not being able to use my arm. I know how heartbroken you feel because I had a hard time deeling with the fact I could not take care of my newborn daughter. But you will adapt and find ways to do things on your own. It is only within the last 4 months that I was able to stop taking pain medicine. I still have a lot of numbness in my lower arm and hand, but not bad pain like before. I have total function of my arm, just have weakness and I can't over due it by picking up heavy things or I end up having some pain again. I hope this helps. I know how hard it is to deal with the pain and the feeling of being alone... but you've come to the right place for support!
Keep a positive attitude :)

Re: Help struggling to come to terms with injury

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 11:43 am
by LizF
Hi everyone,

Again thanks for messages it really does help knowing other people understand. With the help of my 4 year old I was able to change my baby's nappy & put her into her pyjamas which made me feel tons better. I am starting physio on Friday so hopefully I will be able to get movement back in my shoulder - although I know I maybe in pain doing it I cant wait as it feels as though I am doing something positive. I am already doing exercises with my hand & fingers but because they are really swollen I am finding it hard. Is it common for the hand to be swollen after a bpi injury, and does it ever return to normal size?
My parents dont seem to understand the severity of the injury and phone everyday asking whether the pain is better or whether I can move my hand - it is driving me & my husband mad!!! I know they care but I wish they would talk about other things rather than the hand or 'what ifs' regarding the accident.

Re: Help struggling to come to terms with injury

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 1:14 pm
by MNelson
Sounds like you are on the right track. The swelling is normal, so don't be alarmed. Your arm is going to go through a lot of changes. Both your arm and hand are probably going to atrophy. It is difficult to see yourself go through these changes, but there really is nothing you can do. Once your arm is reinnervated, you will be able to work the muscles again.

Re: Help struggling to come to terms with injury

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 2:24 pm
by diargasm
Well, I don't have 90% function, but I definately have a very useful arm. I avulsed c5,c6, and in some weird way c7 too. As of now I can use my hand almost normally. I have triceps, biceps, and a little bit of external rotation of my shoulder. I can keep my arm out, but when I stand up-right it can be hard to pull it out. I have some lift in my shoulder, but I need more therapy to see how much higher I can get it. I the operations with Dr. Edgeton in Kaiser in Los Angeles.

Re: Help struggling to come to terms with injury

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 7:10 pm
by peter
Yup, reading this board is depressing at times. I don't come here often just for that reason. I just wish the ppl that did get through this and got their movement back would sign on and post something. I understand, they feel better, no reason to come back.... what other info would they need?

I promise that if I do get through this, I will come back and tell my story. There are ppl that had BPI before me, and they'll be ppl that may get it after me.

Hope is what keeps ppl go forward.

Re: Help struggling to come to terms with injury

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2006 3:15 pm
by Dave m
Hi guys, thought i would add a reply to this. I was injured in late 1999 and when i found this site read and posted here a lot. At first my arm and hand were paralysed and the hand surgeon didn't want to go into my plexus surgically as i had neck fractures which he was worried about going near. Since then i regained bicep tricep and shoulder use and though my intrinsic hand muscles atrophied and didn't recover i can bend my fingers using the muscles in my forearm, forgot their name. The doc deduced mostly a stretch injury with probable avulsion of T1. I stopped posting here regularly not because i could move my arm but because there were some hostile posters on here that weren't TBPI and i felt unwelcome. Then Liz started a TBPI website and i regularly read and post there. Still check in here occasionally and if folks with a similar injury to mine are heartened by hearing of my good recovery then great, i should check here more often. Take care peeps and good wishes.....