United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Will anyone be in Houston Jan 27th? - Page 2
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Re: Will anyone be in Houston Jan 27th?

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2005 4:19 pm
by Matt's Dad

Are you going to be in Houston on Jan. 27th?

If not, why are you answering this post?

Re: Will anyone be in Houston Jan 27th?

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2005 4:23 pm
by Matt's Dad
Ka....Ahh, I mean Guest,

To obtain solid information, ask your doctor and put your faith in him/her and God above.

Re: Will anyone be in Houston Jan 27th?

Posted: Sat Jan 01, 2005 11:06 pm
by katep
Matt's Dad,

I resent the implication that I was the "Guest" poster. I do not post as "guest". I have no reason to. And I get enough grief for what I post myself without getting attacked over what others post, thank you very much.

I am following this thread because this "triangle tilt" surgery claims to address directly many of the issues we are confronting right now with my son.

Unfortunately, I am acutely aware of the fact that *nothing* has been published by Dr. Nath on the motivation, indications or long term results of this surgery. Thus I felt it necessary to correct the poster who described it as "published".


Re: Will anyone be in Houston Jan 27th?

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 1:45 am
by shirley
UBPN re "Matts Daddy"
How long are you going to let this person harrass others whose views don't tally with his? I can't help noticing that most removed threads end in a post from him. Does he ever post here in a non agressive way to support anyone? Other than Dr Nath of course.

Matt's dad, have you ever wondered whether people post as guest in any thread about Dr Nath in order to avoid personal attacks from you? Both Kate and Guest are totally inoffensive and Kate is setting the record straight on an incorrect fact in a previous post. I am not as brave and am posting as an alias.

Have you also ever considered that some misguided people might think that as you only appear to post here in support of Dr Nath, that maybe you ARE Dr Nath? Have you considered the damage such rumours might do to a doctors reputation?

Your behaviour does not help any family affected with bpi, which is what this place is about. Can you not offer support to EVERYONE here, irrespective of your view on their doctor or their view on yours?

Re: Will anyone be in Houston Jan 27th?

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 10:39 am
by Allison
Have you considered your accusations that Matt's dad might be Dr. Nath is completely and totally uncalled for. This needs to stop. We all know Kate is very persistant in her quest for written documentation on various surgeries, and that's fine and can be helpful, however I'm sure most of us don't make our decision on who see's our children based on what or how much has been published. It's our gut instinct that allows us to decided who and what is best for each child as an individual. I'm saddened that this post was written not to start a battle amongst us, but a family looking for support for their daughter. Look what it has turned into. This is not good. Jessica has made her decision on where to take Kallie and what she feels is best for her. Let's respect that and not question why she chose to do so. I'm sure she's under enough stress right now, and should'nt need to back herself up with written documentation.
Will we ever just be able to put our personal opinions aside, and support each other in a non bias way? Who we decide to take our children to is each and everyone's freedom, and luckily we have more than one choice. Please, I'm begging everyone to stop this bashing. It's makes me very upset. And makes us all look bad. I wonder what some of the newcomers think? We are all on the same quest, to improve the quality of life for our children, let's learn from eachother, share experiences, and try to do so as a group, irregardless of what doctor treats them.

Re: Will anyone be in Houston Jan 27th?

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 10:47 am
by cbe411
OK..... Lets all be adults here and stop with the bashing of each other...... this thread is entitled "Will anyone be in Houston Jan 27th? so lets keep the discussion to this and this alone! Stop bashing each other, it gets you no where in life and just makes you sound ignorant! Stop!

COurt xx

Re: Will anyone be in Houston Jan 27th?

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 11:35 am
by Kath
I am posting this on behalf of the UBPN Moderating team.
I have been notified that various post have been removed from this thread due to violation of our message board policy.

While only a few of the messages were in violation the responses to the offending post had to be removed.

Please remember to abide by the message board policy and consider the Presidents Message on Message board policy changes.


Kathleen Mallozzi
UBPN Board of Directors Secretary

Re: Will anyone be in Houston Jan 27th?

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 4:30 pm
by dmom
Kath, I do understand UBPN's policies and think it is important to moderate these boards. We do want the discussion to remain civil. But please let me add this comment in the kindest way I can.

At this point, given the history of these endless, so-called "peer review" discussions (which are never meant to be discussions, as we all know, but button-pushing sessions), what I don't get is why the instigator's comments are never removed. This person has been told numerous times to ask the doctor directly about her questions. I think it's rather weird that someone is so interested in peer review, and yet never goes to the source for answers.

Yes, the poster's comments are seemingly innocuous to the uninitiated or the new poster, but those of us who have been here long enough to have been through the wars of a few months ago know they are anything but innocent remarks. It's just really odd to me that whenever threads are deleted in the last few months, there's always a common person involved ... who is never deleted. Trace the controversy to its source.

It's much like the little brother who is always sniping and irritating the older brother until he reacts ... but the older brother is the only one who is punished by the parent.

Wouldn't it just make sense to delete the whole thread so everyone is equally silenced?

Thank you for letting me say this.


Re: Will anyone be in Houston Jan 27th?

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2005 6:20 pm
by admin
I am guest, I posted to get information, which I never got. Someone posted about a paper I was interested in, and then someone else posted saying it had not been published. Not a problem, surely?
I do ask the doctor but I am seriously interested in long term results, my choice! The doctor did not have the information I wanted so I came here. I see many others asking questions here they could be asking doctors, why pick on me? I did not ever come here to start a fight and deeply resent your implication. You have no knowledge of who I am and to suggest that anyone who asks questions like this is stirring up trouble is unfair and unjustified.

I see from your profile you have been here as "dmom" since July 2004, around the time of the last big bust up here. I have been around much longer than that and can tell you things were much worse when UBPN removed the whole thread, because then people who saw honest questions as a threat would just post against the regulations to get the whole thread removed, so valuable information was lost. There is nothing wrong with this thread as it stands. Please refrain from attacking me personally, I posted as guest to avoid it but I should have known better.

I think this message board runs really well these days and I have found out about so many more doctors in the last few months than I had for years before that. I will always seek to know more, I can't visit them all in person and that is why I and others are interested in published results as well as word of mouth recommendations.
No creepy agenda, sorry.

Re: Will anyone be in Houston Jan 27th?

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2005 3:07 am
by katep

The poster called the paper "published". I questioned this description, asking for correction if I was incorrect. I got my answer, and Dr. Nath got his "resume" posted. Hooray for everyone.

As it turned out, other people also have their opinions! PLEASE get this straight: I DO NOT post as a guest. I HAVE NO reason to. I had quit the conversation because at this point in time I figure if anyone gives a hoot if a paper has been peer reviewed or not, or whether or not a "top specialist" has bothered to post ANYTHING in the last four years, they have the ability to find that out for themselves. It is only Bernie's rude comments and now yours that I feel compelled to respond to.

Please feel free to plug your doctor with opinions and tales of personal experience all you want. I certainly can't argue with that and don't intend to. Just don't blatantly lie, alright? I WILL question it if someone falsly advertises Nath's latest "paper" as being published. The reason that adjective was used was to give this "paper" credibility that it does not deserve. I for one will be thrilled to death if/when Dr. Nath publishes anything on his new procedures. That time has not yet come.
