United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Un-Even Shoulders - Page 2
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Re: Un-Even Shoulders

Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2005 1:52 pm
by Kath
Welcome Loren

I am glad you found us. It took me forever to find others with this injury. It has been a great source of information and support over the last 5 years. And now I have met and developed fond friendships because of UBPN.

If you have any questions ask away there are no silly questions. There has never been a long range study on this injury, therefore, many of our little quirks are unknown by the medical professionals.

Kathleen M
aka Kath

Re: Un-Even Shoulders

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 9:21 am
by admin
I'm Joanie. I'm new to UBPN. I am LOBPI. My left shoulder is shorter than my right, and slopes more. Falling bra straps have always been a problem. The best thing I have found for this problem can be found on-line at www.undercover.ie/26.0.html. (The last dot is just the period at the end of the sentence.) This item does not seem to be available for purchase on-line. Click on "contact us" then contact the company to see where you can purchase this item near your home.

It is made of silicon or silicone. It will stick to your skin and warm to body temperature. Lift the flaps over your bra strap and your are good to go for the entire day.


Re: Un-Even Shoulders

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 10:12 am
by CyndiAnn3
First of all, Welcome Joanie and Loren! I found this site just last February, and it has been a God-Send.
My right shoulder slopes forward and my scapula sticks out. I can't put on traditional back closure bras without hooking them in the front first and then turning them around. I wear shoulder pads to try to even out the look of my shoulder. But because I'm always yanking on my right bra strap, the shoulder pad often slips. I either look like the "Hunchback of Notre Dame" or it looks like I have 3 boobs!
Yep! Keep your sense of humor!
Good Luck to all!
Cyndi (50ROBPI)

Re: Un-Even Shoulders

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2005 9:54 pm
by njbirk
Hi Joanie,

Glad you posted!
Joanie and I met each other last week as we live within a half hour of each other. It was very nice to meet another adult close to the same age as me with an obpi.

So we are going to meet at an outlet mall near here next week and try to find these little silicone pads.

I'll keep you all apprised but they sound like they just might work.


Re: Un-Even Shoulders

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2005 3:34 pm
by Kath
We should all take stock in that company!

That shoulder strap thing is soooo annoying...

Thanks Joanie for sharing this information.


Re: Un-Even Shoulders

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2005 7:54 pm
by Andrea53
That shoulder strap thing is annoying!After bone fusion,I dont have a left shoulder blade.can't wear tank tops.Whoever has seen Terms of Endearment when aurora fixes Emmas bra strap,that's my Mom.I'm 52 and she still fixes it!I to have to hook in the front.Do year straps then get stretched out?`My shoulders are different sizes which means I always am lop sided.Plus left arm is shorter than right.I'm a joy to go shopping with.

Re: Un-Even Shoulders

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2005 9:15 pm
by Kath
Hi Andrea
I use to wear one shoulder pad to balance out my shoulders.
I find holding anything on my shoulder impossible... it can be so annoying.

It was worse before we had elastic straps they were impossible to keep up.


Re: Un-Even Shoulders

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2005 9:29 pm
I just had to reply to the bra topic. I don't have BPI, my son does. But I do have very narrow, down sloping shoulders. I live by sports bras and racerback styles. Sports bras are now often made with 2 cups, so we don't have to have the UNIBOOB.

mom to javier 1-ROBPI

Re: Un-Even Shoulders

Posted: Mon Aug 15, 2005 10:22 pm
by CyndiAnn3
Aren't guys lucky they don't have to deal with this stuff????

Re: Un-Even Shoulders

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2005 10:14 am
by Kath
My Mom had very narrow shoulders and was tall.
I, on the other, hand am short and have bigger shoulders...
But for me it's only one shoulder bigger and squared off.
The other shoulder does not have the shoulder bump... LOL... to hold up the straps.
I tried the T back ( does not work for scapular winging and sensory issues)
I tried the sports bra you have to put it on over your head and they have no support.
Once again this creates for some of us sensory issues because I cannot wear anything tight.
I have always worn my clothing bigger than I have to but did not know the real reason.
Sensory issues do not go away we just learn to work around.
At least now I understand why I buy something and only wear it once because of the way it feel after washing.
But I wonder if those without sensory issues or scapular winging could use those bra's?
Are there any obpi without the sensory issues?
I think tbpi often have sensory issues after their injury???? not sure.
I wonder if they cope with the bra issue and tight clothing differently?
Thanks for the suggestions