United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Juliana's birthday! - Page 2
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Re: Juliana's birthday!

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 1:37 am
by tina arvizu
I remember the first time I saw Juliana at Texas Children's. Gabrielle had her nerve graft surgery and I was sitting with her. My sister came running into her room and said I had to come out and see this beautiful little girl. Here she came up the hall holding her Dad's hand. She was in her post Mod Quad splint and was still walking just fine. She was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen (other than my babies). I thought how could this little girl go through all that and still be so happy and have such a glow about her. I carried that vision with me when Gabrielle had her mod-quad. It really helped me. So HAPPY BIRTHDAY to that angel in the hallway.

Re: Juliana's birthday!

Posted: Tue Nov 09, 2004 11:02 am
by claudia
Oh Tina:
Thank you so much for that memory. You brought tears to my eyes.
She is still that happy child. She has done everything we asked, and always with a smile. And when she didn't have a smile, I knew that it was the therapist's fault!
In camp this summer they called her the "can-do kid" because she tried EVERYTHING!!!! I love all of my children, but I really enjoy being with her. I tell her all the time how lucky we are that she is in our family.

How are the kids?

Thank you again.
