United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Dr. Phil needs us - Page 2
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Re: Dr. Phil needs us

Posted: Sat Oct 30, 2004 9:35 pm
by Ginne
Guest wrote:
>Every time I type something up and send it, there is a red note at the top of the screen saying there was a problem sending it. The little red note is hard to find and the screen looks like it sent it so watch out for this.<

I wrote to the show and received this canned message on Oct 26th:
"Dear Virginia Clare,

Thank you for emailing Dr. Phil. This is just a quick note to let you know that your message has been received and is important to us. However, due to the volume of e-mail we get, we are not able to respond to every one personally.

If your e-mail expressed interest in being a guest on the show, a producer may follow up with you, but this is not a guarantee.

If you have written requesting reservations to a taping of the show, an audience representative should call you within a week. Please be patient.

Thanks again for your interest in the show.


The Dr. Phil Staff"

I am not worried about legal repercussions. The whole idea is to make other people aware that these types of injuries occur..not point the finger and place blame. I am more than willing to go on the Dr. Phil show...but first I'll have to watch a few episodes to see what he's about :o (I know... silly to write to a show you know nothing about, but that's me all over again!!)


Re: Dr. Phil needs us

Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2004 8:05 pm
by phaliscak
I am all for awareness. But how do you say my sons/daughters injury was caused by poor judgement and medical error without pointing a finger towards the doctors? Now do this on national tv. The other side would have to be. What would be really cool is to have the audience filled with only BPI parents, adults and our kids. And when Dr. Phil asks how many children are injured during delivery the whole audience would stand. What a visual that would be! On the other hand, I am also a cautious person and I look before I leap. We need to look at all the repercussions that this might give both good and bad and then decide if it's worth it. The way I look at it. This could either open new doors of awareness or this could shut the door and hit us and mostly our kids futures in the !@# on the way out. If we do do this, we need to very very prepared for the sake of our BPI community.
