Great therapy toys from the pet store...
Great therapy toys from the pet store...
You probably all know about the Wiggly Giggly balls? They are balls that have sound makers in them so that when you roll them they make a wiered whining sound?
Well just today, when going to the pet store to get cat food, I found two new kinds of Wiggly Giggles... one looked like a barbell and the other one looked like a... well I don't know how to descrbe almost looked like a 'jack' (from playing "jacks"). All of them had those noise makers inside so it had wierd sounds when you move them.
I thought the barbell would be great for the kids - especially great for those working on supination because it makes the special sound on supination and pronation. I guess it would even be great for PROM (passive range of motion).
anyway - thought I would let you guys know...
ps - there are a LOT of great therapy toys to be found in the pet store - go to one of those huge pet stores where they have rows and rows of'll be very surprised.
Well just today, when going to the pet store to get cat food, I found two new kinds of Wiggly Giggles... one looked like a barbell and the other one looked like a... well I don't know how to descrbe almost looked like a 'jack' (from playing "jacks"). All of them had those noise makers inside so it had wierd sounds when you move them.
I thought the barbell would be great for the kids - especially great for those working on supination because it makes the special sound on supination and pronation. I guess it would even be great for PROM (passive range of motion).
anyway - thought I would let you guys know...
ps - there are a LOT of great therapy toys to be found in the pet store - go to one of those huge pet stores where they have rows and rows of'll be very surprised.
- Posts: 227
- Joined: Sun Nov 04, 2001 10:25 pm
Re: Great therapy toys from the pet store...
Gabrielle's therapist sent us to the pet store after our first visit with her. She loves and still plays with her pet store toys. She also told me to get the textured toys and rub them on her arm. She loves it! Thanks for sharring.