Tape sticky

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Tape sticky

Post by Marnie »

Any suggestions on how to get the leftover sticky from the tape off of Peyton's skin? I am talking about the tape that you use for the gauze that you put over the incision. He has sticky all over him and it does'nt look very good.
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Re: Tape sticky

Post by LeeAnne »

When we were at TCH the therapist gave us some little individual wrapped wipes, like wet wipes, that were orange scented and were just for the purpose of removing the sticky. I don't know what they are called but I bet the doctors office could tell you. They worked like a charm. Probably could find them at a medical supply store.
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Re: Tape sticky

Post by LeeAnne »

Please forgive me!! I forgot to ask, How is Peyton? Well we hope. Hang in there. Lee Anne
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Re: Tape sticky

Post by Beaglemom »

If alcohol does not work, there is some magic orange stuff at Wal-Mart that can remove almost everything. I do not know what section it is sold in, but it can remove crayons, etc. and it should not be harmful to the skin. I use it all the time at the daycare and I am allergy to everything and never wear gloves with it. I hope this works. (I believe you can get it in the cleaning supplies.)
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Re: Tape sticky

Post by Primrose »

The little wipes are called Remove or Uni solve. They are adhesive remover. Can probablly find them at a good pharmacy/medical supply store. That's where I get ours.
Georgeann P
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Re: Tape sticky

Post by Georgeann P »

I just wanted to let you know about our experience. My son seemed to have some kind of allergic reaction to the tape AND adhesive remover. I ended up rubbing Vaseline on the tape with a q-tip until it came off small amounts at a time. It took a little time but worked well. Good old Vaseline comes to the rescue once again!
Kathleen Z

Re: Tape sticky

Post by Kathleen Z »

Dissolv-It is an orange scented sticky remover that you can get at Walmart or Home Depot. It works great, and did not irritate my son's skin at all.
Shane's Dad
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Re: Tape sticky

Post by Shane's Dad »

Hi Marnie!
Same thing with Shane, and it realy sticks to his skin and it is getting tender on his neck. I found that if we put this stuff on the tape before we try to peel the tape off it comes off easier. They gave us some stuff at the hospital called "All Kare" . It came in those little packets like alcohol wips. But we are almost out of them and I was wondering what to use myself.

Thanks.................Shane's Dad
tina arvizu
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Re: Tape sticky

Post by tina arvizu »

Gabrielle had a bad reaction to the tape and sticky remover. I ended up making a collar like gauze bandage around her neck and the tape never touched her skin. She also never got any infections so it really worked. When she went for the two week check up the nurse asked me to show her how to do it because it worked so well.
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Re: Tape sticky

Post by francine »

you can purchase the wipes here:


but you can probably get them at a local medical supply house faster so call around

I could never use this sticky remover stuff because maia's skin was so sensitive. Even now with her TES electrodes, I take off the electrodes and the tape and just wipe her skin with a wet paper tower and then apply some Eucerin and that's it.

I'd be very careful around incision areas. It's so easy to get the incisions infected.
