Waiter's Tip
Waiter's Tip
Matthew held his hand in the waiter's tip position before surgery. A few weeks before surgery his hand positioning was fine. Now his hand is in position when his shoulder is internally rotated. Has anyone else's child experienced this problem. Does it normally resolve itself? What did you do to try and correct it?
Re: Waiter's Tip
Jennifer, My son (8.5 months old)also holds his wrist turned inward. He has had primary surgery, and it is a little better, but still turned inward. We use a Benik wrist cock-up splint during the day and a mitt type splint at night (to extend his wrist and fingers). I was wondering if you know why they had the splint go up to the arm pit. I'm wondering if amybe it could help my son. Did the splint hold the wrist in a neutral position or cocked back some?