United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • found this post on another board
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found this post on another board

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2002 11:02 pm
by Missy
Bracheal Plexus Injury DebilynPiper Posted: Feb 4, 2002 6:50 PM Reply

My husband had an accident in Oct. which resulted in a BPI. But he also had a few other injuries. He is a lumberjack and a tree fell striking his right shoulder and the right side of his head and neck. We were very lucky he wasn't killed. His shoulder was dislocated and the artery by the bracheal plexus was torn. They say the nerves are severed from the spine but we are going ahead with surgery anyway. On Feb. 19 my husband will have the nerves taken from both legs and his good shoulder to try and get the movement back to his arm and elbow. But they say the only hope for his hand is implants. The doctor is very leary about doing this surgery and he says my husband could die. He keeps stressing everything that could go wrong and very little about what could go right. Are all doctors like this or am I being paranoid. I am really scared and could use some support from others who know my fear and my husbands pain. And I think I needed to vent some anger and fear. Thanks for listening. Debi

Re: found this post on another board

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2002 1:04 am
by jennyb
missy, is there any way we can contact this guy? Can't see an email addy here and this poor guy sure needs support...

ooops sorry

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2002 1:08 am
by jennyb
....i realised the original is on the suggestions board (got quite excited there thought the missing post had finally appeared on there!) thanks very much for posting it here missy :0)