United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • tendon transfers ,for Heather
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tendon transfers ,for Heather

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2002 7:19 am
by karlos
Hi Heather,

Hope youve seen the link kindly posted by dave (under people come & go)This was my first reaction to the movement i regained 2 week after the op.
I can relate to you being apprehensive about the surgery, but it realy is nothing to worry about,Me and Athos both had this done within 2 weeks of each other in different parts of the uk and the procedre has been quite different,my surgeon is quite aggresive re physio and belives as soon as poss physio should be done (9 days in plaster)where as Athos will be in pot 1 month.
After the 9 days my arm was put into a plastic wrist spint with elastic attached to each finger ,this was to enable me to exercise my hand (lightly),the wrist was left well alone,
This splint was worn 24/7 for a futher 5 week,and then on monday this week it was taken off for the first time,& i was able to move my wrist for the first time(amazing!)I now have to exercise my hand for another 3 weeks then i can retun to work,which is 9 week post op/
the OT's have made me a new splint to be worn at night or when my hand gets tired.
In case your wondering the stitches used were dissolvable so no worries there 8-)
pain involved with this surgery is quite low until the physio starts then it takes some determination to do it but is a must to get good results,the fingers will be v stiff untill you get those tendons working again.
although you will see movement streight away ,your muscles tire v quickly and it will be 5-6mths before everything works properly
i'v met someone 5 mth post op 7 you cant tell between his hands ,If anyone wants more info please ask away

good luck karl

Re: tendon transfers ,for Heather

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2002 8:15 am
by athos
Hi Heather,

like Karl I had tendon transfers at the RNOH UK on 4 Jan. I can't be much help yet in terms of movement because I'm still in a plaster which should be taken off on 12 Feb when I see Mr Carlstedt, who was responsible for my surgery. Then I should start PT. I've only had the plaster taken off over a couple of weeks ago to remove stitches (mine were not soluble), before it was put back on again. So really for the time being I'm just sitting and waiting to start PT. I still don't know how effective the surgery will be, although from what I heard from the doctors I should get good results.

The surgery itself was quite standard and low-risk and quite short (about 1 hour). I got to hospital on the morning of 3 Jan, had surgery on the morning of 4 Jan, and left hospital on the afternoon of 5 Jan.

I'll keep u updated. Ciao.


Re: tendon transfers ,for Heather

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2002 1:35 pm
by George
Hi guys, good to see you two are getting on well. This is some valuable information here. Hope you don't mind if I reproduce it for a local person here where I live ?? Take care.....and good luck to you both !!!


Re: tendon transfers ,for Heather

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2002 10:34 am
by Heather S
Thank you both, Karlos and Athos. Robbie is to go on 19th Feb, to RNOH in Stanmore, under the care of Mr Birch.
Robbie doesn't seem to be overly worried about the surgery, it's me who worries!!
It's good to hear form you both as you've only recently had the surgery.
Thanks again and good luck with the physio.
Talk soon

Re: tendon transfers ,for Heather

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2002 12:33 pm
by George
Wish the best of luck to you and Robbie, Heather, on the 19th. I know you both must be anxious for the rewards of this surgery. I see my doc in March, and I'm sure the subject will be talked about again. Things are still iffy right now, and there are still some other complications. Try to relax.....we are pulling for both of you :o)


Re: tendon transfers ,for Heather

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2002 3:53 pm
by admin
Cheers George.
Feeling a wee bit happier now I've heard from all of you. I hope things improve for you soon.
Thanks again
Love Heather