United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Post op
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Post op

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2002 11:40 pm
by kathy
Well, I'm 3 days post-op from my first tendon transfer. Not so bad so far. I've never had a cast before, so it is taking some getting used to. It is very heavy also. The doc said it was more extensive than he thought, once he got inside). I am anxious to see what the scars will be like, but I will have to wait another month for that.

What do you think? Should I let people sign my cast or not?


Re: Post op

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2002 4:09 am
by mikeyb

A year from now you'll know the pain was worth the gain.

I had surgery at 3 months post accident and had strong upper arm movement 3 months after.

Their efforts where concentrated on regaining my upper arm and elbow movement.

I was lucky to have a good physio-therapist both before and after surgery. My surgeon was quite aggressive in getting me mobile and stretching again after surgery....

Best wishes...Mike :)

Re: Post op

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2002 1:19 pm
by George
Congrats on getting through the surgery Kathy !!! I hope it is all you anticipated and more. I guess one of the great things about transfer surgery is that you can have them anytime post accident. Well....let's see.....that makes three of you guys now that have had this surgery. Good luck with your therapy Kathy..........and please write my name on your cast for me. I know it's not a signature, but it's the thought that counts :o) George

Re: Post op

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2002 4:48 pm
by jennyb
Hey George, great idea, kathy please write my name on your cast too, if I was there I'd do it myself! I think you peeps who have surgery are very brave, look forward to hearing an update soon :0)

Re: Post op

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2002 9:03 am
by athos
Good, you got that out the way. I gather u had tendon transfers as well like me a Karl. Ciao.


Re: Post op

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2002 6:31 pm
by Joy in FL
OOOO Me too I want my name on the cast! LOL It is great to hear you are doing well. Casts are heavy! I have a scar on my left arm from my last surgery. It is really bad. I had a plastic surgeon approach me and say he could "fix it". I said no thanks. I look at it as a great conversational piece. Plus, it is a way for people to see that there really is something wrong!

Get rest and keep that arm on a pillow.

Re: Post op

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2002 5:40 am
by Dave m
Yeah get the cast signed! Seems there's been a block booking of tendon trans surgeries lately, hope you're soon telling us about the improvements!

Re: Post op

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2002 7:34 pm
by kathy
I have names all over my cast!!!! Anyone who has had this surgery, did yours turn kinda yellowy, orangey? I am only worried about one of them, but since I have limited feeling there, I don't know what to think of it. Has anyone had 2 tendon transfers. My second one is scheduled in about 8 weeks?


Re: Post op

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2002 5:01 am
by karlos
Hi Kathy,
What exactly are your transfers for?Mine was for finger & wrist extension,this was all done in "one hit".the operation took around 1 1/2 hrs.
It does seem a little strange that you have to have another op at a later date,cant work that one out.
the yellowy,orange you discribe will be the dye they paint on to clean up the area before the sugery.


Re: Post op

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2002 9:44 am
by kathy
I reread my message and it didn't make sense. Let me try it again. My first tendon transfer was on my thumb. The Dr. took a tendon from my index finger and transferred it to my thumb. This will give me opposition. I was unable to bring my thumb to touch any of my fingers. The yellow/orange I was talking about is my index finger. I suppose it is from being bruised (at least I hope the cast is not too tight, since I cannot feel it). The 2nd tendon transfer will give extension to my fingers (since I cannot straighten or spread them apart). The Dr. said he could not do both at the same time because the splinting and therapy after each operation would be totally different. He said once he started operating, until I was done with therapy, etc would be about 6 months. He also told me I would lose about 50% of my strength in this hand, have you been told this?
