United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Mayo Clinic
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Mayo Clinic

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2002 2:38 pm
by admin
Hi all it has been almost a year sinc I have posted here and at least 6 month since i have read anything. I noticed someone had posted about Mayo clinic in December and I thought I Could have some input. I would sy trust yor gut. We took our daughter to Mayo clinic when she was around 6 months and the doctors said that they could oerform a nerve surgury that woulld take a nerve from her lung area and connect it to the avulsed nerves. This would cause her arm to fly up everytime she took a breath put this would be temporary until her brain was trained not to do this. Now this yo me sounded extremely wierd and scarey a little frankenstienish. Thats when we contacted TCH Mayo may have made some advancements since then it was 2 years ago however if it sounds strange or fishy get a second third, fourth opionion we all want what is best for our children