United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • New 2 this, need help getting info.
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New 2 this, need help getting info.

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2002 11:19 pm
by Wendy
My son, 3 yrs. BPI at birth, Drs. say they've done all they can...I performed physiotherapy for the first two years, they say his arm will be visibly smaller as he grows due to no nerve innervation...does anyone know if we use one of those machines that stimulate muscles will work to help growth stimulation. Also, does anyone know if I have legal recourse - I'm in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada -

Re: New 2 this, need help getting info.

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2002 12:24 am
by frashley
Welcome Wendy. I am so sorry to hear about your son. I also live in Canada, in BC, have you thought about taking your child to another Doctor? Perhaps a Neurologist? You should check out Francine's site at www.injurednewborn.com, I understand she refers to the Texas Hospital which has a very supportive Brachial Plexus Clinic. Don't give up, and our prayers are with you. Oh!, and about legal issues, I know nothing but I would be interested in finding out about it.

Re: New 2 this, need help getting info.

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2002 12:41 am
by francine
hi wendy!

if you go to the top of the screen and hit the link for resources and then go to online directory you might find families in your area...

Also- in the awareness section, there is a link to international awareness and there may be a listing for your are there as well


Maia's site does talk about TCH because that's where we took our daughter. Some people on here have discussed Canadian hospitals- I hope they will come forward when they read your post....if they don't, post again with that in the title so they see it more easily.

Good luck and stick around - there's a lot of good information and support here!


Re: New 2 this, need help getting info.

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2002 1:37 am
by TNT1999
Hello, Wendy. Welcome to the board. I'm glad you found us although I'm sorry that you have to be here. I'm the Mom of an almost 3 y.o. daughter, Nicole, who has a BPI from birth too. We go to TCH, but I have heard of a lot of people going to Sick Kids Hospital in Toronto. I can't recall the name of the dr. right now who heads up the BP clinic there. Hopefully, someone else will post it. I'm surprised that facility isn't listed on the resources in this site. Anyway, have you ever been to a BP specialist at that hospital? Does your son still not have any movement in his arm? I highly recommending finding a Brachial Plexus specialist and having him/her evaluate your son to see what you can do for him.

Usually, OBPIs are the result of medical negligence to some extent, but an attorney would have to review your records and have them reviewed by a medical expert in order to determine your legal recourse. In the states, there is a statute of limitations for the parents to file (usu. 2-3 yrs, depending upon where you live) and then there's a longer time period for the child to file (usu. up to 18 yrs). The thing is, the way most attnys here work is that you don't have to pay anything to them unless you win. I don't think it works like that there though, does it? It makes suing a difficult thing to do if you'd have to pay attny fees even if you lost.

Well, I hope this helps and I hope others closer to you in proximity post.
