United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • BPI arm is cooler
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BPI arm is cooler

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2004 9:08 pm
by admin
What's up with our daughter's BPI arm being cooler?? Wow. Can anyone explain that? Is it always like that, and I just noticed?

Re: BPI arm is cooler

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2004 9:44 pm
by Angela Butterfly
Hi Susan,
My LOBPI daughter is 20 now, and yes her arm was cold. I would have to look up in her baby book, as to when it started feeling warmer to the touch (it was a long long time for that.

You will probably also notice that when she is outside in the winter that it will turn red, from the cold, real fast. I had a hard time finding mittens, thick and warm enough, that I could get on her hand (her hand and fingers were pretty limp).

One of my strongest memories is when I had Jill on my hip on a very warm summer day. She was about 16 months then, & I went to hand her over to another woman, and she exclaimed "her arm is so cold, what is wrong with her." Her sudden exclamation caught me off guard, the fact she even noticed, as she was taking her from my arms.

Re: BPI arm is cooler

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2004 11:00 pm
by Kath
My arm is cold all of the time. I have to make sure that I keep a long sleeve on it when I sleep it gets colder. I think it has something to do with circulation being poor on the obpi side. My face and ear are also cold. I had Horner's so the side of my face is cold.

I also get sunburn faster on the obpi side and cannot feel it until I have a bad burn... so put on the 45 lotion...

My hand is always cold I did not realize how cold until I was older, and people would comment on how cold my hand is when I touch them or shake hands.

Re: BPI arm is cooler

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2004 11:08 am
by LeeAnne
Michaela has the same problems as Kath and also doesn't sweat on her BPI side arm and Pectoral region.

This is caused by the decreased blood circulation in the affected arm which also can inhibit growth.

Re: BPI arm is cooler

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2004 1:44 pm
by Karen w
My daughter's arm is always cooler as well. I have also noticed that her arm will turn bright red after being out in the sun for a while. She has never gotten sunburned before though--we try to put on 50 sunscreen especially on that arm.

Re: BPI arm is cooler

Posted: Sun Jul 25, 2004 11:30 pm
by veggiebug
My arm is cold a lot of the time, but if I wear long sleeves that bunch at my wrist then my wrist sweats a lot.
