United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • I may be getting ahead of myself but is surgery the only option?
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I may be getting ahead of myself but is surgery the only option?

Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2004 4:13 pm
by kissygoose
What can I say...I'm a wuss. But is there another option other than surgery or letting it go till you can't use either arm. Does PT alone help? do you have to go to a specialist for that?

Re: I may be getting ahead of myself but is surgery the only option?

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2004 8:42 am
by Kath
No surgery is never the only option. First and formost you really need to educate yourself. Then you should be evaluated by a bpi specialist. In my opinion before any surgery you should get a second opinion. I did very well with long term physicial therapy. But, at 64 I did not think surgery was a good idea and was not really offered any. Our injuries are almost like fingerprints each one heals so differently. Take your time there is no rush but PT at this point would help you to keep loose and not lose the range of motion you have.


Re: I may be getting ahead of myself but is surgery the only option?

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2004 8:50 am
by njbirk

Kath explained it well.
We are all so different. This is a very complex injury.

I did go the surgery route as an adult. But I began by doing a lot of different kinds of PT. I had had no PT formally since I was a child. I did gain some improvement, but what sent me on the surgery track was pain. I was having severe jolts of pain that were beginning to disrupt my life caused from nerve compression.

That pain is gone and the bonus for me from surgery was new movement. But that was my experience and what worked for me.

As Kath said, there is no hurry. We are not like the children today with this injury who are still growing and with surgery might have an opportunity to halt some of the bony deformities and muscle imbalances that frequently happen with this injury.

So keep on learning, see if your PCP will prescribe some PT for you and refer yout to a bpi specialist. I found aqua therapy to be the most beneficial and the most enjoyable. It also felt really good to be stretched by someone. I was so tight.


Re: I may be getting ahead of myself but is surgery the only option?

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2004 7:14 pm
by Lucas
I must say, I am only 27, so clearly not as experienced as some others with bpi. However, I can say that I will probably never go the route of surgery. PT has been a priceless tool for me since I was about 12 years old. I am currently a very successful (and physically well balanced) personal trainer. The point is that with strong knowledge of resistane training, isometrics, range of motion exercises and time & dedication you can acheive gains.