United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Eoghan's Mum
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Eoghan's Mum

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2004 12:29 pm
by Karen Hillyer
Can you e mail me yet?
I have tried every combination of your phone number with the area code for Dublin and I can't get through.
Could you either phone me again and leave your number again ( slowly please!) or e mail me your phone number.
I would love to speak to you and am keen to get through!

Re: Eoghan's Mum

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 3:42 pm
by admin
hi karen i really want to thank you for info and advice today i passed name on and hopefully this is the start of getting some peace of mind.I have paid paticular attention to eoghans awareness of affected aem and i have been encouraging him to notice it kinda the way i did when he was a baby.I feel much more optimistic and relaxed regarding the future and what it brings can they not clone you and give ireland a karen...!!! I will keep in touch hopefully by e mail soon!!!! This will have to do till then

Re: Eoghan's Mum

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 5:22 pm
by Karen Hillyer
Bless you Debbie !!
keep in touch - it was lovely to speak to you today,
the next time I'm in Dublin, we must meet up!
Talk soon

Re: Eoghan's Mum

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 6:06 pm
by admin
Hi Debbie, Eoghans mum,

I would love to hear from you, please do get in touch with me, are you from Dublin????

Sharon, (baby Keelans mum)

Re: Eoghan's Mum

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 6:11 pm
by sharonpmurray
Hi ,
I would love to hear from you, sorry I dint get back to you earlier. I havent been logged on, but do get in touch, sharonpmurray@eircom.net, are you from Dublin..,,we were at crc today with baby Keelan.,,how are you now,, how is Eoghan...

looking forward to hearing from you


Re: Eoghan's Mum

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2004 10:14 am
by admin
hi sharon just replied to your message on other site.. i am a total novice at e mail etc but am doing a crash course tonight.I would love to get in contact cause i really find it a lonely condition no one seems to be aware of it if it hasnt affected them.I dont blame them because thats how i was up to eoghans birth.It would be great to meet up even in crc before app. if they clash! bet you we probably live near i am southside near bray how about you? talk soon

Re: Eoghan's Mum

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2004 6:32 pm
by sharonpmurray

would you beleive Im only down the road in newtownmountkennedy,,,,when do you go to the crc, we go each wednesday, it would be lovely to meet up there? Ill give you my tel no and we can arrange it...~S.

Re: Eoghan's Mum

Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2004 4:33 pm
by admin
hi oh my what a small world i am delighted to live so near as you will be my first physical contact with another mum..it will be nice to have someone with same hurdles etc..i have e mail set up through outlook express and i'll see if it works so i'll send you a message now and obvisouly if it dont work you wont get it!!!i will also get my sis to e mail my phone no to you on monday so fingers crossed we will have contact.. i see sinead killeen long dark hair my days aren't set but i'll defo try to meet you there..it just feels great to know someone else who will understand me cause my sis & sis in law had babies after me and it hurts sometimes watching their babies.

Re: Eoghan's Mum

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2004 2:00 am
by sharonpmurray
Oh I know just how you feel, my two cousins both had babies after me, and it is hard. We are under the same Sinead. Must meet up, we are there next wed at 12.00, what about you, I didnt get the mail, but that outlook express is tricky, It took me ages to get mine sorted, once you start you will be flying.,.and expert in no time,we are off to galway for the weekend, ((child free), and badly needed, look forward, to the number, keep trying the outlook express thing,you will get there, talk to you monday...S

Re: Eoghan's Mum

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2004 2:29 pm
by admin
hi sharon outlook express very tricky!! sis wasn't in work on monday as she got engages she's doing it tomorrow....eoghan got his bandage off today and there is no medical reason for him not having a cast they just couldn't put it on due to morphine line in his neck to say my head is melted is mild..i have to treat him like he's casted?? so no physio for a month i'm seeing sinead soon to discuss my worries eith her and emma his ot...once numbers are exchanged we must meet for coffee in bray (KINDA HALF WAY!!)HOPEFULLY TALK TO YOU SOON DEBBIE