United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Jocey Update??
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Jocey Update??

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2002 3:43 pm
by TNT1999
Anyone hear from Ivelisse? Jocey had surgery at TCH on Monday and I've been thinking about them all and wondering how they're doing. Ivelisse, if you're reading this, I hope things are going well for Jocey and the rest of your beautiful family. You're in our thoughts and prayers. Please give us an update when you have a chance. -Tina :o)

Re: Jocey Update??

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2002 11:15 pm
by francine
Jocey had her surgery on the 21st. It took about 13 hours and she did very well.

She is currently in an intermediate care unit - where she has one on one with the nurse. They are watching her very carefully. She's not allowed to move at all or even change the position of her bed - there's a lot that has to heal yet and she might be casted tomorrow. She's in the hospital until Sunday or Monday.

I spoke to sweet Jocey today - such a tiny little voice. She sounds happy.

Ivelisse had a therapist from the hospital get involved and she spoke to Jocey numerous times - and was also there when Jocey got to see her incision / scar for the first time. She said it is oval shape and looks like a burn (that's the skin grafting).

So...so far all is well! Thank God !
