United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • our 13 week old daughter with Erbs
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our 13 week old daughter with Erbs

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2004 8:44 am
by admin
Hi everyone. Our daughter, Poppy-Leigh was born weighing 10lbs 13oz and her birth was complicated by shoulder dystocia. As a result of her traumatic birth she was born with a right Erbs Palsy. She can now move her shoulder slightly and has always been able to wiggle her fingers. Her Elbow is wherewe believe the problem to be. She cannot move it. Tomorrow we are due to go to see her consultant who will tell us what needs to be done. He will tell us the results of her EMG. Wish us good luck!!! Thanks for listening. Clare

Re: our 13 week old daughter with Erbs

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2004 9:56 am
by Kath

Glad to hear that you have already had and emg and I pray that you get good news.

I am right OBPI/adult and sorry to see your baby is injured but want to congratulate you on her birth... What a beautiful name Poppy-Leigh.
I hope all goes well tomorrow.


Re: our 13 week old daughter with Erbs

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2004 5:43 pm
by admin

Congratulations on your new baby daughter. I am sorry to hear of her injury. It breaks my heart every time a new mom posts. My 2-year-old son has Erb's in his left arm and I (as well as everyone on this board) can understand your feelings at this time. My heart goes out to you and Poppy-Leigh.

If you want to e-mail me privately (just click on my name), I'd be happy to share more of our experience with you and how we've dealt with everything. I will tell you, though, that Texas Children's Hospital is the place to go!

Take care,

Re: our 13 week old daughter with Erbs

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2004 9:08 pm
by m&mmom
Welcome to the boards. I'm Cindy mom to Melanie and Matthew. We have used acupuncture and various other alternative treatments as well as surgery for Matthew's recovery. If you have any questions please ask and keep us updated on your daughter's progress.

Re: our 13 week old daughter with Erbs

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2004 9:12 pm
by m&mmom
Forgot to add - I started a website however it's not finished yet. Please feel free to check it out www.franklinfamilybpi.com

Re: our 13 week old daughter with Erbs

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2004 10:01 pm
by Matt's Dad
Welcome Janet, sorry to hear about your child.
The internet is an awesome source if info so do as much research as possible. This site is full of info. Also check out: www.injurednewborn.com


Go Sox!!

Re: our 13 week old daughter with Erbs

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2004 11:01 pm
by admin
Please get on the internet and find out all you can. The website with the most helpful information was and still is "injured newborn.com"-Francine helped me so much.

Re: our 13 week old daughter with Erbs

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2004 11:45 pm
by twinsxx2+one

I am so sorry to hear about your daughter. My son is 7mths old and leftbpi. I wish you all the best.


Re: our 13 week old daughter with Erbs

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2004 4:16 am
by clare
id like to thank you all for your support. Today is D Day! Will post a message later to let you all know what he said. PS We live in England, so Texas childrens hospital may be just a little too far away!!
Thank you all once again.