United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Very Upset, nonbpi re:
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Very Upset, nonbpi re:

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2002 9:37 pm
by Debbie
My son is in Kindergarten, and he came home today, and we left right away to go to his asthma appt.
When we got home 2 hours later, and I was making supper. He said mom, this kid in school puked on me.!!
He said the kid also puked on his jacket. So I looked,
and seen puke on his pants, and coat. I told him to get it off right away, but he had these cloths on all day!
There was no note from the teacher!!
He said she wiped his pants with a napkin, and that's
all! He had to sit all day with puke on his pants.
I can not believe she would not have changed his pants, or called me. (there is extra cloths at school for each child)
So he sat in wet, pukey cloths, and he said he touched his pants, when they were dry.
I know he did not know better he is only in kindergarten for goodness sake, but the teacher does!!
I am sooooooo mad.
What should I do???
Could you all give me your opinion??
I really need some support right now, and of course to vent.
Thanks for listening.

Re: Very Upset, nonbpi re:

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2002 10:47 pm
by frashley
How very wrong on your sons teachers part! That is just not good enough. Be careful before you pass blame though, there are always two sides to the story! I know if it were my daughter she would refuse to change her clothes but I would hope the teacher would then call me and ask me to come and deal with it! Good Luck!

Re: Very Upset, nonbpi re:

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2002 11:01 pm
by francine
Debbie - an explanation is definitely necessary. How nasty! Ugh. This cannot happen again and why is it that they didn't change him??? Didn't it ever occur to them?? Anybody home?? sheeeesh - gross!


Re: Very Upset, nonbpi re:

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2002 11:09 pm
by CW1992
Hi - I know I would be very angry too. I would talk to the teacher tomorrow. Be careful not to start accusing her of neglecting your son before you hear her version. People get very defensive when you attack them and maybe she has a good reason for what happened. You had said that you hadn't noticed the puke until your son told you the story. Maybe he didn't tell the teacher what happened either until he was leaving for the day and by then it had dried and he was getting ready to head home. I bet you will feel better after talking to his teacher. If you find that he was left in his dirty clothes all day and the teacher didn't feel like having him change then you can let the teacher have it!! I've been helping alot in the kindergarten class at our school this year and I know how crazy things can get with five and six year olds all needing something at once, or crying, or fighting, or puking - - maybe it was just a crazy, crazy day in the class today and your son's teacher will apologize for not paying better attention to your sons needs. I hope that you get to speak to the teacher soon and feel better about the whole thing. Did your son seem upset at all? If he didn't then it might not have been so bad after all. Hope I helped somehow, Christy

Re: Very Upset, nonbpi re:

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2002 11:22 pm
by Debbie
Your are all right. I will calm down, and go talk to the teacher and see her version. I will let you all know how it goes.