United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • In need of support
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In need of support

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2004 5:28 pm
by JJM123
Hi... I had a bpi about 4 years back that I recovered from quite well. I had to limit or moderate many of the things that I did but was pretty much back to my normal activities. I was beginning to forget much about my injury until Valentines Day this year. It snowed here for the first time in about 5 years and so I was thought I would go sledding. I fell off the sled and all of the sudden had this sharp pain shooting through my neck down to my fingers. I new then that I was once again in trouble. It's been about a month and a half and every day my arm gets a little bit weaker. 4 years ago I joined a site like this one and it was nice to have people to talk to that were going through the same thing. So I just wanted to say hi!

Re: In need of support

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2004 7:02 pm
by EllenB
What a bummer - just when you were having some fun, too. BPI is the wierdest injury... seems there are a good many posts by people who are kind of rocking along, then something happens out of the blue like that. What does your doctor say about it? Where do you live? How did you get your original injury?

Take care & let us know how you're doing,


Re: In need of support

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2004 9:29 pm
by JJM123
My doctor doesn't have anything to say yet b/c my appointment is not until the 26th... I am going to have an EMG on that day and see how bad it is. I will mostly likely have a nerve decompression surgery first and see how that goes. I live in Texas and I got my original injury from a basketball injury but he said it looked like I have always had nerve damage and that just sent it over the edge! Thanks for the encouragement.

Re: In need of support

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2004 12:05 am
by sarmstrong806
I had a LBPI 3 years ago in a car wreck. Only my shoulder works. I've had multiple surgeries with no improvement. I'm scheduled for a muscle transfer in May and will hopefully get something out of it. Sorry to hear about your accident, I am always worried that I will do something to aggravate my injury. Stay positive, a good outlook is your most powerful asset.