United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • No smooth sailing
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No smooth sailing

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2002 10:59 pm
by Clarissa
I'm sure that most of you have seem my posts regarding my sons mod quad surgery for the 28th of Jan and the best type of car seat for him. Well now I need some more advice. Dr. Shenaq's office called and told me that they need payment for surgery before the actual surgery date. I'm sure that most of you are aware how much this surgery is. My son was awarded a sum of money for future care, but it doesn't cover the costs of this surgery and our insurance company says that they won't pay for it. Any suggestions? We're getting so close to the surgery date and I don't know what to do!

Re: No smooth sailing

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2002 11:15 pm
by marymom
thats interesting...are you sure he wanted payment upfront? That must have been for his services- not for the hospitals- they are seperate right? I thought TCH generally made arrangements for payments and so forth- (maybe they should go into realestate)
Call TCH- Lisa Davis uswed to be the one that advised with this stuff but that was like almost 3 years ago-

Re: No smooth sailing

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2002 11:34 pm
by TNT1999
I don't think it's uncommon for them to want some money down, but not payment in full. Is that what they're asking you for, a down payment? I think I've heard $5,000 before. Look on their website and look at the Patient Passport. I don't remember exactly what it says, but I recall their being info. there about financial arrangements. However, I'm more concerned about your insurance company refusing to pay for it. Is that b/c of your lawsuit? Is it b/c there's someone in network who they consider qualified to do the surgery? or b/c they consider it experimental? I know you don't have much time, but I would focus more on getting the insurance co. to overturn their decision. Call your asst. state attny general's office tomorrow. Also, there's a dept. of insurance in every state and they might be able to help you. Email me if you'd like. If I can, I'll help you. I've had to battle a former insurance co. (not for the MQ, but for primary surgery). If you want to email me your phone #, I can call you tomorrow if that's easier (or I can email you my # if you'd prefer to call me). Let me know. Take care. -Tina (rosesmom315@juno.com)

P.S. Did you see all the additional info. on car seats posted in the thread by Karrie "Going to TCH and car seats Parts I & II?"