United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Legal Vote - Accident
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Legal Vote - Accident

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2002 8:51 pm
by admin
I receive the legal vote stuff via e-mail since someone on the old message board requested that we respond to a brachial plexus case last spring. Today I responed on this case

It is about an adult woman that was injured in a car crash the title was
Police Cruiser Car Crash Lead to Devestating Injuries: Who is to Blame.

I am so mad by the defense in this case that I responed quickly. Now when I try and bring up the
it tells me to choose anoter case because I have already responded. I was hopeing that you might be able to respond as well. I hope that this poor woman finds UBPN, it is such a sad case.

Good luck and thanks,
Jean, Kyle's Mom

Re: Legal Vote - Accident

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2002 12:22 am
by jennyb
thanks for passing this on Jean, i tried to respond but it looks like you have to be in the States to get accepted into the site. My ex husband was a police patrol car driver for a while, he told me himself that 'It's like being a licensed boy racer'...after getting my bpi thru someone else's crap driving (as many of us tbpi's have) i didn't take too kindly to this attitude. I hope this poor woman gets justice.

Re: Legal Vote - Accident

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2002 11:47 am
by Mindy
I voted and I think every one else who lives in the US should at least read what happened. I am so angry I don't know where to start about what that defense said.

Re: Legal Vote - Accident

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2002 1:42 am
by admin
I don't know why it work for you, but I am glad. Can you believe the defense said that she was ok. I wanted to scream!!!!!!!!!

Thank you for casting your vote,

Re: Legal Vote - Accident

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2002 11:47 am
by Dave m
i can't get to read the case, but no doubt it's the same old story, cops investigate cops, wonder what they'll find? Scuse my cynicism, but the DUMBASS cop who attended scene at my RTA has lied totally to cover his own incompetence on scene causing me mucho hassle with lawyers. It is still under legal process so i cant say much more except he's a lying JERK and it's no wonder he's still a flatfoot at his age, hope this woman gets some sort of justice taking on the strong arm of the law, go girl!