United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Back from TCH
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Back from TCH

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2002 6:29 pm
by aurora
Hi everyone,I just wanted to up-date everyone on Matthews Mod-Quad.
He had his Mod-Quad on Mon. Jan 14. At TCH everything went as planned.We ckecked in at 6am and by 8am we walked him down the hall to surgery. I thought he was going to put up a big fight but he went with the nurse really well. I was soooooo scared and nervous but I held back all the tears until he was gone. Dr.Nath said that he was pretty tight, but everything went well.Thank God! Matthew has to wear the splint for 4weeks day and night then only at night for 4weeks. He also said that he will probably put up a fight and not like wearing it at night so if he did we did'nt have to put it on him for the 4weeks at night. All in all Matthew is doing what I think is veary well. We came back home the same day he was released from the hospital.(San Diego)He did fine on the air-plane until this veary rude kid woke him up (sorry) He has'nt had much sleep but as the days go on he is getting more and more sleep. Thank God. We did have a problem with his meds. He got an allergic reaction to ceftin. So we are dealing with the diarrhea and vomiting that he has had for two days. I'm hopping it will get better today. I"ve tried calling TCH but no one has returned my calls. Does anyone know who else I can call? His doctor here is being a real ### He told me that I needed to contact TCH. I did stop giving him the meds. just that one ,I dont think he is ready to come off the tylenol with codein.
Oh by the way Matthew has a mild bpi and this was his first surgery. On the second day after his surgery he was moving his fingers and his wrist when getting fit for his splint.
For everyones info. we stayed at the Hampton Inn one night and we got our tickes through Southwest airlines. Everyone at TCH were wounderful with us and Matthew ,they made our stay very pleasant.
Well Thanks to everyone for their prayers and for listing to my story about my wounderful little boy. He has come a long way since birth.
Lots of love and prayers to everyone.

Re: Back from TCH

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2002 8:42 pm
by Debbie
Hi. So glad your son is doing better! I would keep trying the doctor at TCH. If you can't reach him, take him to a different doctor. Your other doctor, I would drop anyway, for the way he/she is treating you.
He/She should have answered your questions about the meds your son is on. I would definetly questions your doctors integrity after this. (Not TCH, the other Dr.)
I would go to a different one from no on. I hope your son gets well fast, and you find an antibiotic that won't give him side effects. I also TCH calls you soon.

Re: Back from TCH

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2002 10:27 pm
by francine
Aurora - ditch the doc! That behavior is just unacceptable! Is there another doctor in that practice that you can go to for a change in prescription? And if not - take him to the ER.

Do you have all of TCH's numbers? doctor's secretaries? Lisa T? email?

Re: Back from TCH

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2002 11:39 pm
by Georgeann P
I think there is a pager # for Lisa T. on her toll free number. I would give that a try. If not go to the ER or a new Doctor in the morning! Ditch the rude, self centered Doctor you have now, it sound like his ego is too big. He should put your son's welfare ahead of any thing else!

Re: Back from TCH

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2002 2:57 am
by TNT1999
Hi, Aurora. I'm glad things went as planned and that you're back home. I know that feeling of holding back the tears. About the meds, it is very important that Matthew take an antibiotic right now to prevent the incision from getting infected. I would have Dr. Nath paged and / or go to the ER if you don't get a call back in the morning. Gosh, about your dr., I don't know what to say. Everyone else said to get a new dr., etc. However, I think that he was just being careful. I know that there are different antibiotics available and some are better for certain things. For instance, Nicole's Ped. said that the antibiotic she was given post-op (don't remember offhand, but I think it was ceftin too) was excellent for post-op incisions, but that it wouldn't clear up the ear infection that she'd developed. So maybe it's good that he didn't prescribe just anything. BTW, regarding the tylenol w/codeine, you might try giving him regular Tylenol and only at night and see how that works. Sometimes they actually do better with regular Tylenol (or Motrin / Advil) than with the codeine in there. I hope you get some help very soon. -Tina