United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Thoughts on preschool?
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Thoughts on preschool?

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2004 5:28 pm
by admin
Hi, everybody!

Just soliciting some advice/words of wisdom from you experienced BPI moms. What did you do about preschool? I am facing this with Danny (LOBPI). He turns 3 this summer, and I think it would be good for him to be in preschool in the fall. But I worry so much about all the typical issues - arm pulling, rough play, inattentive teachers (that's my biggest fear). Therefore, I am hesitant to put him into his older sister's preschool at church.
Our therapist says we could put him into a public school preschool for kids with physical/mental disabilities. But then that bothers me, because he seems too "normal" (for lack of a better word) for that kind of program. Do you know what I mean? Yet that kind of program might be safer, in the sense that it is geared toward kids with physical problems.
I don't know what to think. Anybody have any advice? Thanks!


Re: Thoughts on preschool?

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2004 7:11 pm
by LisaL

I say follow your heart. I can tell you what we decided on. Hannah was 22 months old when we decided to put her into Montessori school. She has been going since Aug. 25th. I made sure the teachers knew how to pick her up, about her arm, etc. I was very nervous to let her out of my care. She is doing great and loves school. I'm glad we decided on sending her. Her arm is doing great. We still go to OT. I have noticed since she started school that she is not afraid to climb and use the slide at school now. I was told that if she was going to disclocate it will happen no matter what she does. That does make me feel better knowing that. I also make sure I have good communication with her teachers.

Good Luck with your decision,


Re: Thoughts on preschool?

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2004 9:39 pm
by m&mmom
Matthew will be 3 in March and we'll be enrolling him in the preschool his sister attends now. She did not go at 3 but I feel it will be important for him so he gains experience. He is not going to qualify to transfer into the i.u. program for 3-5 year olds so I think the jumpstart will be good for him. We treat him like a regular kid, his therapists work with him on how to do things differently and his I've spoken with the teachers and they will also.


Re: Thoughts on preschool?

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2004 11:08 pm
by crestmom7411
I can understand you issues about putting your child in a school for disabled children. I faced that issue last year with my daughter (non BPI), 8 at the time. The school she was attending wanted to put her in a special school because she has a learning disability. She is a very normal kid, she just can't read. It was hard because I was afraid she would think that she wasn't normal, but it is the best thing I could of ever done for her. She gets the attention she needs and is starting to read. She loves the school, and it doesn't affect how she thinks of herself. Her confidence has gone through the roof, because she feels normal, because she is treated normal. She isn't picked on, and she is learning not to judge people who are different. Just thought I would share my experience with you. My son went to daycare for awhile. I explained my concerns to the teachers who were really good with him. He had surgery a couple months ago and I am afraid to put him into daycare. But if it came down to it, I would probably put him in a school that had therapist on hand, for my own peace of mind. It is a hard decision, but you will make the right one. Good luck.

Re: Thoughts on preschool?

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2004 11:50 pm
by danar
I understand your thoughts, I had to put sabrina in daycare early as I had to return to work. I checked out several schools and have had good luck since. She has teachers he try and make her use her arm alot. Feel free to email me if you have any questions
Good luck

Re: Thoughts on preschool?

Posted: Mon Jan 19, 2004 11:55 pm
by Francine_Litz
It's ALL wish I could make that bigger *** ALL *** about who the teacher is! Maia had a GREAT... FANTASTIC time in preschool - and was kept SAFE - as compared to kindergarten where the teacher... well I'll just leave the rest alone.


Re: Thoughts on preschool?

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2004 2:17 am
by admin
I was a preschool teacher and honestly we cannot guarantee to always keep an eys out so other children do not hurt him. There usually 2 teachers per room depending on how many kids. We did have a handy-capable child and 1 teacher was always looking out for her and the other with the rest of them, which gets hard. KIds like to wrestle and often fall down on the playgroun. I have seen stitches and broken bones usually to the clavical or collarbone, not many though. THe most important thing is other children around your child. There are those certain brats that like to be bullies. Honestly, BPI is not a serious abilitiy for daycare/preschool. However, your kid will fall and get hurt. I will probably not send my kid to preschool. Try 1-2 days a week, if you can find a preschool that is willing and most are not in minnesota at least.

Re: Thoughts on preschool?

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2004 2:23 pm
by Sophie's Mom
Sophie cannot wait for school!! She is so excited to start. One thing that no one mentioned here is that preschool is so important learning social interaction with other kids. I think that is even more important with BPI, because I think it's important to learn to be comfortable around other kids and build self-confidence.
We are looking at Montisorri adn preschool, but haven't decided yet.

Re: Thoughts on preschool?

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2004 2:24 pm
by admin
I believe that many times we (as parents) error on the side of overprotection. Our children are special but not china dolls. We must at some point realize that they must be incorporated into the general population of life. My child is 5 and has been in a church preschool for 2.5 years. The teachers are aware of her arm but I encourage complete equality in treatment. Not only has she survived but flourished with no injuries or setbacks. I believe the more we worry and protect our children from normal life the more disservice we do to our children. The more I hear from successful adults with this injury the more I'm convinced that encouraging our children to participate in activities with non bpi children the better off they'll be. I truly feel and worry about bpi kids who will be sheltered and protected from everything. Sooner or later they will resent it. Give your kids a chance -- once you begin and then if you should feel uncomfortable deal with it then. My opinion but have given this much thought.

Re: Thoughts on preschool?

Posted: Tue Jan 20, 2004 2:44 pm
by Josh'smom
Janet, my son with the BPI started 3 y/o preschool with his SOL splint on from the MOd Quad (3 years ago). I was sooo scared, but I have to tell you everything went well and all the kids and teachers were so good with him. It was not a special pre school--I could have choosen one of them, but decided I just wanted him to be like the regular kids. Of course it would have been easier for me--he could have gotten his speech, PT and OT during school, but no matter, I took him to a center after his morning of preschool or on his off days. My son just loved the socializing and just have fun like kids should!!! Good luck with your decision.