United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Shriners in Philly does Mod Quad?
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Shriners in Philly does Mod Quad?

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2004 6:01 pm
by admin
Hi, my daughter is 15 months old with ROBPI. We had primary surgery at 9 months and now we're interested in having her evaluated for the Mod Quad. We've been working thru Children's Nat'l Medical Center in DC since our daughter's birth, but their expertise in this area is limited to the primary surgery. We'd prefer to go to Philly instead of Texas for any other surgeries my daughter may need so that follow-up visits would be in person. Can anyone share their experiences in Philly (with Dr. Kozin) and what types of procedures your child has had (mod quad or other)at Shriners? Thanks!

Re: Shriners in Philly does Mod Quad?

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2004 9:25 pm
by Tammie
We were seeing the drs. at Children's in DC too, but then I found TX. We had primary in TX...when it was time for MQ, we went to see Dr. Kozin for an evaluation, but then decided to go back to TX. There are a lot of families that go to Shriners and love Dr. Kozin. He's very nice. Sorry, that's all I can share.

Re: Shriners in Philly does Mod Quad?

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2004 10:41 pm
by m&mmom
Dr. Kozin does a similar procedure to the mod quad. Matthew had mod quad at TCH and if we had to do it over again, in our case, we would have bypassed the mod quad and just had Kozin's procedure. We regret not switching over to Shriners sooner.

Matthew had the anterior capsule relase to address his dislocaton and capsule tightness. If Matthew didn't have mod quad Dr. Kozin would have performed his version while the release was being done. Words can't express how pleased we were with Shriners. They cater to the kids like no other place we were before. The therapists are the best group we've interacted with throughout our journey. Dr. Kozin's knowledge and bedside manner are excellent.


Re: Shriners in Philly does Mod Quad?

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2004 9:50 am
by admin
Louise - thanks for your information. I would appreciate getting Dr. Kozin's contact information from you. Children's in DC has been great, but my husband and I feel that its time to explore other options as Children's experience with BPI is somewhat limited, at least when compared to TCH or other hospitals. This site has been a wealth of information for us! I've been reading and learning from this site for many months and have only recently decided to join the discussion... I'm so glad this site and all its participants are here! Becky

Re: Shriners in Philly does Mod Quad?

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2004 9:53 am
by admin
Hi Cindy, you mentioned that Dr. Kozin does a similar procedure to MQ - could you share what the procedure is called? I'm glad to hear that you and your son have had very positive experiences at Shriners, hopefully we'll have the same warm reception. Thanks for your help. Becky

Re: Shriners in Philly does Mod Quad?

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2004 10:05 am
by njbirk
Dr. Kozin's contact information is in the medical resource directory on this site. Here is the direct link to his page. Be sure to read the questionnaire response as well for more information that he supplied.


Nancy Birk
UBPN President

Re: Shriners in Philly does Mod Quad?

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2004 10:49 am
by nat's mommy
Thanks Nancy - I will check this out. Becky

Re: Shriners in Philly does Mod Quad?

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2004 9:43 pm
by Kristie
We saw Dr. Kozin last April. We really liked him. And hope to see him again soon!

From my understanding the a lot of doctors do procedures similar to the MQ. They are different types of muscle transferes and/or releases. TCH does four procdeures together hence the name. It seems to be the first "secodary" type surgery that is done for our kiddos in one form or another. Different docs approach it in different ways (which procedures and when they are carried out ect).

It is hard to figure it all out some times! I wish you much success in your search! And I hope you find Dr. Kozin to go a good match for your family! It would be so nice to be some what close for regular visits!


Re: Shriners in Philly does Mod Quad?

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2004 12:04 am
by m&mmom
I'm not sure what exactly he called it, however he did refer to it as a transfer and said since Matthew had mod quad he wouldn't need to do a transfer because it was already done. If you have any questions about his procedure I would email him, he responds quickly.
