United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • take a notebook/journal with you
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take a notebook/journal with you

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2004 11:08 pm
by LisaMyers
....to all of your doctor visits. I wish I would have done this from the beginning. It is so hard to remember what the doctor or therapist or specialist told you during the visit. I mean, ya know, let's face it, we are all under total stress. Sometimes my head just clouds over.
Now, I did have an o/t that used to make a copy of her notes for me! That was so cool. And, I still have those! But, what about getting a notebook/journal and bringing it with us to the visit and ask the docs to recap or we take notes(which I did on little pieces of paper along with the answers to the questions I asked but, don't have that now)and over the years you'd have something to look back on. Also, I bought a little address book just to put Abrielle's doctors,etc. in. It helps me out tremendously. I always take it to the o/t or other visits incase they ask for her pediatrician or surgeon's info. So, maybe this could help you. I wish someone would have suggested the notebook/journal to me years ago.
I can't remember the times I walked out of a visit and said, what was the name of that yada yada yada.

Re: take a notebook/journal with you

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2004 2:17 am
by Francine_Litz
Our current therapists write S.O.A.P notes - I get one copy - one copy goes in Maia's file and one copy goes to the billing office.

They write what I tell them, what they see, what they do, and remarks for next time. It's an excellent system.

Maia gets therapy for 50 minutes and they spend the last 10 minutes writing their notes - they hand it to me - they have signed the bottom - I sign the bottom - it even lists our next appointment and off we go.

Excellent idea!
