United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Has anyone used the new 3D scan for the
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Has anyone used the new 3D scan for the

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2004 12:28 pm
by Gayle
shoulders? We are planning on doing this at TX Childrens and I wanted to know more info on it.

Is it worth it..?? It sounds like a great idea but I wanted someone;s experience.

They have to put my baby asleep to do this and I hate that! THey will move the shoulders around and take 3D pics or movies type of the shoulder action.

Re: Has anyone used the new 3D scan for the

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2004 3:18 pm
by Allison

check out the site...

Bradley had this done 2 yrs. ROBPI. The 3D ct scan gives you a birds eye view as to how the humerus and clavical are forming. The scan took about 2 minutes. Unfortunately, Bradley had to be put to sleep, but did very well.

Re: Has anyone used the new 3D scan for the

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2004 8:49 pm
by JaimeC
My son had the 3D ct a few months ago. Since it shows a 3D reconstruction of the shoulder, it gives more than a one-dimensional view of the shoulder joint which can help in diagnosis. Plain x-rays, and even MRI's can only show so much. A 3D CT is amazing in what it shows. My son had the CT when he was almost 8 and he still had difficulty going through with it. It's hard to see our babies put to sleep for this stuff, but it really is necessary. Just remember it's not general anesthesia, it's just a heavy sedation (if that helps any - which it probably doesn't!!) I'm sorry you have to go through with it....
Good luck,

Re: Has anyone used the new 3D scan for the

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2004 2:57 am
by Paula
Aaron had one done last Nov just before his caps and they had to sedate him also. It went well and did not take as long as I thought. The longest part was waiting for him to wake up. We were able to stay with him in the room but we had to put on those heavy lead vests.

Re: Has anyone used the new 3D scan for the

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2004 10:16 am
by StaceyF
My son had a 3D CT scan done right before X Mas. Dr. Nath has not read it yet and it was not read at the local hospital, they just gave me a copy for Dr. Nath. I hope they did it right, it is a donut shaped machine correct?? Nicholas did not have to be sedated. They did not even mention that as an option. Nicholas was very scared but very brave and did great. It does make a loud noise and took probably about 5 min. The radiologist would not read it, he was not comfortable reading a 3D scan and recommended an MRI. That is why we just took a copy for Dr. Nath rather than put him through an MRI which seems to be a little more traumatic. I am anxious to hear what Dr. Nath says and hopefully it was done accurately!! Stacey

Re: Has anyone used the new 3D scan for the

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2004 4:51 pm
by admin

My son Danny had the 3D CT scan done two weeks ago. They sedated him, but it was with a quick shot of fluid in the rectum (doesn't THAT sound like fun?). He just went to sleep in my husband's arms, and my husband went back in to sit with him before he woke up, so it wasn't a big deal. He never knew he'd been alone.
I think it was worth it because it will give Dr. Nath that extra confirmation that Danny needs the acromioplasty.
Hope that helps!


Re: Has anyone used the new 3D scan for the

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2004 5:34 pm
by claudia
We did this with Juliana. We were prepared for sedation and did not use it. I told her she had to be a statue. And she held still.
I was in the room for the whole procedure. They put a lead apron on me.

It is loud, but not awful. I just kept telling her she could stay still. And Juliana has Auditory Defensiveness, which makes her rather sensitive to loud noises.

The scan is amazing to look at. Make sure you tell the person reformatting and the tech that you will NEED THE BIRDSEYE VIEW. This is the one that shows the acromial and clavicular overgrowth. You can see it from the front view, when you compare L and R and where the clavicle is in relationship to the first rib, but the birdseye view is so much better because you can see the the acromion and the clavicle and how they meet.

good luck,

Re: Has anyone used the new 3D scan for the

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2004 9:53 pm
by Francine_Litz
I have a whole page on Maia's cat scan experience...

it was simple - took 2 minutes basically - I stayed in there

I also have the scans online if you want to look at them...


Re: Has anyone used the new 3D scan for the

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2004 12:03 pm
by jennyinsandiego
Elizabeth had hers done on thurs. I had to leave the room and she was sedated. She went through it with flying colors. She is 18mo.
I have a question though.
When I asked for a copy of the disk, they said they don't have the capability to do that. I thought it would go on cd- do they put them on floppy? They were so nice but said no they aren't advanced enough here (no burner). She is sending copies of the images to Dr. Nath directly for me. Is this gonna be ok? How long should I give him , he's a busy guy, I know.
thanks all,