United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Linda Swetof
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Re: Linda Swetof

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2003 11:37 am
by Francine_Litz
Linda- in case you are not getting my emails as well - here is the page link on shriners that I set up


good luck,

Re: Linda Swetof

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2003 11:44 am
by Francine_Litz
By the way - I can personally attest to the difference -as an outsider can see it - that it made for Elizabeth....

Elizabeth was a much different child this time versus last time. Her arm was very visually different - positioned very awkwardly - and now her arm looks SO normal. If you saw her, you wouldn't really know which arm had an issue. I also believe that since the arm's appearance changed so much- it has changed Elizabeth emotionally in very positive ways. She's so much happier - she's got that sparkle in her eyes. I didn't see that a year ago. I was so happily surprised to see all of this "inner glow" shining through. It gave me a lot of hope for Maia.

Re: Linda Swetof

Posted: Sat Dec 27, 2003 11:46 am
by Francine_Litz
one more thing... look at this


Re: Linda Swetof

Posted: Mon Dec 29, 2003 9:20 pm
by Lndabelle
Well Louise and Francine we finally did it. We got connected. Thank you Louise for all your information and I am now finally receiving all your emails. I did email Dr. Kozin and I'm very excited to get his response. Francine I couldn't have done any of this without your help. Again and Again Thank you soooooo much!!!!! I will keep you both posted on everything. I wish both of your families and everyone on the message board a Safe and Happy Holiday Season!!!! Love, Linda, Dave, Ciera and Connor Swetof

Re: Linda Swetof

Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2003 12:27 am
by Francine_Litz
Oh Linda - thank God we're all connected now!!!
I feel like we've been chasing you down for a bit..haha

Happy New Year!!
High Fives to the dino guy!!

ohmygosh - speaking of which -if you do come to Philly - you must make time to go to the Academy of Natural Sciences! great dinos there! and a dino dig, too! the link there is on the shriners page I gave you
