United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • To Francine
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To Francine

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2002 12:18 am
by suzann4
Hi Francine, I just wanted to commend you on your website. I have been crying for the last 10 minutes. Your daughter Maia is beautiful. I was reading your earlier notes on what happened to you after delivery it was like reliving my own story. Why do these doctors try to play it off like they spilled a glass of milk on the floor. My OB did the same thing. He did not mention anything about a specialist, x-rays, or even excercises...Can you imagine if I did not start the therapy. My friend told me to get it checked out at the Childrens Hospital and to see a specialist. We scheduled a appointment with a Orthopedic Surgeon he told me that we would have to start therapy ASAP. Jaime started therapy when she was just a few weeks old. I used to cry the whole time I would do the excercises with her. I keep thinking about how terrible her life would be. I did not get angry yet because I didnt know it was the doctors fault. Until someone mentioned that I should talk to a lawyer just in case Jaime's injuries were permanent. The lawyer dealt with Erb's Palsey cases so he new the in's and out's. I did not have to tell him what happened...He told me. I just sat there in shock. Jaime did not need surgery. When I saw the pictures of Maia with all the tubes, I lost it. I dont know if I could have handled it. I think you get your strength from someplace great to be able to get you through as you said turbulent seas. You are a very strong woman. I really felt everything you went through. In the picture it seems that Maia can hold her arms up. The doctor told me that Jaime can reach up but not all the way. She is at 90%. I still want another opinion. Is Maia scheduled for future surgery. Or is that it? I want to say Thank You for putting together your website. It has helped me more than you know. Talk to you soon. Suzann