United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Vent
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Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2002 1:32 am
by TNT1999
Hello, friends. I don't usually use this place to vent, but I feel the need tonight. Today I was going through our household finances and trying to budget our healthcare for next year and our insurance also just changed to complicate matters. Anyway, I got a bit sidetracked in my collection of numbers and ended up compiling the following stats. Please bear with me b/c I love numbers and am very analytical by nature.

Approximate Totals for 2001:
141 Therapy visits (PT/OT (EI / hospital);Aqua Therapy)
15 Doctor visits
1 set of xrays
2 surgeries

1339 hours logged on TES (estim at night)
1932 hours in a big post-op splint
2016 hours in a wrist cockup splint

Based on the above numbers, Nicole spent:
-5% of her "awake" time at therapy appts, doctor appts, or in the hospitl.
-20% of her awake time in a big post-op splint

-24% of her "asleep" time in a big post-op splint
-31% of her asleep time using estim
-46% of her asleep time using a wrist cockup splint

Note: none of the above figures include travel time to/from local appts. or to various other states to see her BPI specialists (including across the country twice for surgery). Also, in addition to all the therapy time above, we've spent countless hours, as you all have, doing all the home play / lifetime therapy, ROMs, scar massage, etc.

Aside from her BPI, Nicole is very healthy. I also realized that if it weren't for her BPI, she would've only been to a total of about 2-4 doctor visits all year.

Unfortunately, I don't see us slowing down soon either b/c once again, we're going to be in a post-op recovery period and will really have lots of therapy to do at least for 6-12 months.

I'm so full of emotions -- sadness, anger, frustration. I just wish Nicole could just enjoy her childhood w/o having to complicate with all this "stuff!!" I know you all understand and can relate -- that's why I came here to share my "analysis."

As I said, I don't usually come here to vent and don't really like to dump my problems on everyone, so I would also like to end this on a positive note. With all these appts., you'd think we'd have gone into major debt. However, Jehovah God has really taken care of us. We had (yes, HAD) great insurance that paid for 100% of the surgeries and also paid for most of the travel and lodging, they paid for 100% of the estim, an aqua therapy center membership, 100% of testing costs, many therapy visits (above the usual allowed) - with the exception of a $15 copay per visit (which was covered by medical assistance from June onward), all the doctor visits (except $15 copay / most of which was covered by med. asstnce. June on). I don't know what will happen with our new insurance, but we'll just take it one day / appt. at a time. Also, many of the therapy visits were provided by Early Intervention at no cost to us. Thankfully, too, we have found quality therapy within a close distance to home and have been pleased with our EI therapists (although they will be changing soon since Nicole is almost 3). So, I am very grateful that we have had these resources available to us from a cost and proximity standpoint. I am also very grateful to the wonderful doctors at TCH, esp. Dr. Nath, for all the help they're giving to Nicole. Well, if you've gotten this far, I owe you a BIG THANK YOU for "listening." Take care all and thank you all for your support.

Re: Vent

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2002 9:32 am
by Jamie MA
Hi Tina,
Just a quick note to tell you I'm thinking of you-- it's amazing how those hours really add up in a persons life- especially a child.
We're off to log a few more with visits to Waters and an MRI today.
I'd love for someone someday to just give me a date, something that I could look forward to, to know they'd all be okay, there'd be no more need for therapy, and tests and running around, but for now....
Those statistics are amazing, if your going the legal route, you should present them to your attorney, I wonder if that could do anything to help.

Re: Vent

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2002 9:07 am
by admin

Re: Vent

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2002 6:23 pm
by christy
Wow Ms. Tina! Turn you loose for a second and look what you go and do--work on figures instead of getting ticked!

All kidding aside--this is amazing and I don't think I have ever given it too much thought--probably because we were always so busy doing all that stuff that we didn't have time to do anything.

Hope all are feeling well and up to snuff. Miss Katie and I miss the two of you...not much longer. How is Nicole doing with the splint? Thanks for the heads up on the pain issue--we are discovering that hurts is a catch all word now for anything that feels different.