United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • introduction
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Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 4:24 pm
by tcrunck
Hello ALL ;)
My name is Troy Runck. I am 31 and I live in Denver Colorado. I was in a motorcycle/car accident when i was 23 years old and suffered damage to the trunk of the brachial plexus of my left arm.
At first the doctor thought i had ripped out the root from the spine...

Well i went to a new doctor and we found out the the damage was at the trunk of the c5 and c7..

They transplanted a nerve from my leg about a year and a half after my accident.

i have contol of every thing below the elbow, seems that i have one head of the bicpep, i the full tricept.

I have no use of the deltoid, and the outer head of the bicept.

After this operation, i thought to my self that that is all that could be done and i have what i have.

well that was almost ten years ago, and while watching the DHC i saw a story of a young man that went to the mayo clinic.

This story RE-NEWED my hope for more solutions to help gain some more control of my are.

my hope has lead me here. I had no idea how many people and resources are avalible to us.


Re: introduction

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2003 6:00 pm
by Susana
It is amazing what this website has done for so many people.

Re: introduction

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 8:23 am
Welcome Troy!

I, too, was amazed at the wealth of information that is available on this website with UBPN--I am in a little differet boat than you--it is my husband David who has the BPI--I am a RN, and of course, I had o be nosey and get as much info as I could--stumbled across UBPN, thank goodness!!! David's injury happened in July of this year--throwing a softball of all things--we always teased him that becasue he throws so hard, one day his arm would fall off--well, it just about did!!ha!! Thankfully, he had a severe shoulder dislocation resulting in a SEVERE stretch injury, and NOT a tear or avulsion--he is beginning to have function in his arm again. but it will be a year before we know how much he truly gets back--anywho, keep cheching in on this website--it will give you much support, information, and stories!!! Take good care, and Happy Thanksgiving!

Re: introduction

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2003 11:54 am
by herff94
Hey Troy~
Amazing isn't it? more people out there w/ BPI than you thought huh? I had a motorcycle accident when I was 18 (1987) and I'm 34 now, so half my life like this. I had a muscle transfer 15 yrs ago @ Mayo. One doctor from the Discovery show is still practicing, Dr Bishop; he was trainiing under my primary Doctor who as since retired (Dr Wood). I was the 3rd muscle transfer done for this type of injury @ Mayo Clinic and it was considered very risky then, but it worked!! I feel truely blessed to have the opportunity to go to Mayo. You've got to go, you will be amazed!! Good luck to you and Happy Thanksgiving!
Kathleen-passenger on the motorcycle

Re: introduction

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2003 4:30 pm
by tcrunck
thanks for the new hope ;) I am going to contact the mayo clinic now...I am very excited now...
now the real question, what kind of cost have you seen for these procedures these days?