United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Travel question
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Travel question

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2002 4:36 pm
by blakesmom
Just a quick travel question, with the stricter security issues, has there been any trouble with splints? I'm sure not, I just wanted to be prepared since we leave in 2weeks for another trip to TCH. Also, with the security measures, has anyone needed a photo ID for their child? I read on an airline website that everyone needed one, I know we do, I just didn't know if the child needs one now. Since we are getting our airline tickets paid for by a state agency, we haven't gotten them yet so I cannot contact the travel agent yet if our arrangements haven't been made. Thank you..Crystal S.

Re: Travel question

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2002 4:56 pm
by TNT1999
Crystal, we just traveled last month and didn't have any travel problems with the splint. Prior to leaving TCH, we requested a letter though to give to security indicating to them that the splint is NOT to be removed. I highly recommend that you get a copy of the letter while you're there. It's a form letter and you can ask your discharge nurse to get a copy for you. She might not have one handy, but can easily obtain it for you. It's actually signed by Dr. Laurent. If I recall correctly, they will write in the date of the surgery on the letter. I don't remember Blake's age, but if he is in a stroller, then you'll also be able to let him stay in the stroller when going through the security gate. We didn't need a photo ID for Nicole (2 1/2 y.o.) and actually we didn't even need any form of ID for her (kinda scarey, hah?) -- I offered her insurance card and was told I didn't need to show it for her. I would suggest contacting the airline directly and asking about the rules for the particular airports that you'll be using. Also, ask what the check-in times are as I found that they vary by airline and by airport as well. Might also want to inquire about the carryon baggage allowance policy while you're at it. Whatever they say about the ID, I think it would be wise to bring some form of ID for your child, even if there's no photo on it. I hope this helps. Good for you that you got the tickets paid for. WTG. I hope all goes well for Blake and your family. Take care. -Tina

Re: Travel question

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2002 5:13 pm
by francine
crystal - like tina - we had no need for child's ID and we didn't have that letter but no one asked to take it off because it's so ungodly looking.... but they could take a metal detector to it if they had to because there's no metal...and the child can walk through the metal detector gate and it would be fine.

I always wondered why they don't check a child's ID...so much for airport security.


Re: Travel question

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2002 7:09 pm
by admin
Hey, it's me again.
I talked to Brandon's Attorney today and asked this very same question. She called the airline herself and they said, no idea or anything for the child. As far as the splint issue. I would jusdt have TCH discharge papers ready and l;eave in plenty of time just in case they need to check it out

Re: Travel question

Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2002 7:26 pm
by muzik2407
Take a look here: http://www.faa.gov/apa/tipbroch.htm
they set the norm. Look especially at the sections titled: Allow extra time and Checking In. Normally, children under 12 don't need photo ID ( I would bring birth certificate) And as for the splint, just allow extra time. Happy trails and Good luck with surgery.