United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Look what was in today's newspaper!
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Look what was in today's newspaper!

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2003 11:32 pm
by Tessie258
There was an article about a webpage called:


I'm definately going to check it out.

Re: Look what was in today's newspaper!

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2003 2:03 am
by admin

You were very helpful posting that website!
I now know that the doctor I saw is on there!
Thank you

Re: Look what was in today's newspaper!

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2003 8:28 am
by cbe411
The STUPID neuro guy I saw right after my accident is on there! How sad! I forwarded that site on to my case manager kins of to say look at the doctor you wanted me to see.... well see what she has to say about it! Thanks for posting the site!

Re: Look what was in today's newspaper!

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2003 12:42 pm
by admin
Wow. Interesting. So glad someone is listing things like that. However, it is by no means exhaustive. I know of a few doctors in our town who have had some major things going on and serious disciplinary actions and they are not on the list. I wonder how some get on the list and others don't? Also, unfortunately this does not show the majority of doctors who cause brachial plexus injuries since they usually just settle out of court and no disciplinary action or report is ever taken.

Re: Look what was in today's newspaper!

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2003 2:30 pm
by Joshua
The information provided on the above website may be available for free on your state's medical board website. For California the web address is :


here is an example of an OB/Gyn doctor listed in California that I would avoid going to.... This is freely available public information. Check this out:

http://www2.dca.ca.gov/pls/wllpub/WLLQR ... LTE_ID=790

Actually this isn't the whole story on this doctor but to post anything about him that isn't public information might violate the rules of UBPN's message boards.
