United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Hi Francine and all
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Re: Hi Francine and all

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2002 11:34 am
by francine
Hi Louise! Unfortunately we have a ways to go before it is part time... wish it was yesterday trust me! But it's becoming more routine now - Maia is becoming more docile about it (sometimes). We do give her a break from it when we do our skin breakdown care - we lay her flat on the dining room table on a sheep skin and remove the splint and undershirt and scrub her down, put cream on (I massage her chest and arms)and put on a fresh undershirt. Her arm stays flat on the table in position. She really looks forward to this time 'off' and has even been able to nap that way - so peaceful and free. Of course mom has to sit at the dining room table the whole time holding her little hand but that's ok with me. She needs the rest and so do I. We are not sleeping well at night - she sleeps for just a short time at a clip and the more activity we do during the day, the worse it is (isn't that wierd?) She does love her school and being with her friends - although her friends are not to happy being clobbered by her splint! We have to remind her and have a little 'talk' with her daily!

So now we are in fight mode - we are fighting the insurance company to try to get them to approve her aquatic therapy and a therapist who is not in their service. I'm on the phone everyday it seems. I have no idea why everything is so hard and why we have to fight so hard.

So that's where we are today... I personally feel like a zombie these days - not getting my sleep - not being able to work - my functional level is zip. Just trying to keep up with the laundry, ya know? When you get old it's hard to be up all night! (my white hairs are showing!)

you have a good one!

Re: Hi Francine and all

Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2002 12:07 pm
by admin
Hi All

Just able to stop by because this old obpi is baby sitting one of her cute 7 month old granddaughters...who is sleeping and allowing me to use her mother's computer....

I hope you all are doing well....my computer crashed burned virused...flue.... I know it heard me say I was replacing it for a faster model....so it just jumped ship on me....and left me puter less for the next few weeks.... it left me in the lurch....LOL... did not realize how many of my hobbies were involved with computer...but I am still waiting to download my Christmas photos...and miss all of you nice people on the boards...

I hope all the children are sleeping well so the Mommies can get some rest too....

Will hopeful get back on line before the 23rd of Jan.... well so much for overnight shipping and ordering.....

will check back when I can.... Have a happy,healthy and joyful New Year