United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Children are incredibly resilient.......
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Children are incredibly resilient.......

Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2003 11:44 am
by Me&Ashley
It is 5 days post surgery for Ashley & she is running around playing no more pain meds not even tylenol! I'm so proud of her!! We were very concerned at the hospital since we couldn't get a handle on pain management. This was her 3rd surgery & i never saw her in so much pain....i cried w/ her. We stayed an extra night because she wasn't comfortable enough yet to go home & to see her now pleases me to no end!!!
Now i just can't wait til the cast comes off & the look on her face when her elbow is straight & her bpi hand is turned the same way as the other one! Just wanted to share my excitement w/ all of you.

Re: Children are incredibly resilient.......

Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2003 12:04 pm
by Francine_Litz
I'm so glad that she's feeling better. What a load of stress off you, too. Hope time flies really fast - you will see great results soon!!!