United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • My husband met a TBPI...
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My husband met a TBPI...

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2002 9:53 pm
by Logan's mom- Natalie
at the archery shooting range he goes to the other night. He said he couldn't wait to get home and tell me about him, he was so delighted to have talked to him. He said he was in an all terrain vehicle accident and suffered a TBPI in his dominant arm. Anyway, he and my husband talked quite a bit, with Mark telling him about our daughters OBPI, the guy wasn't aware that that could even happen. There were both so interested in each others stories. Mark was telling me about him and we both got tears in our eyes, how wonderful it is to run into another bpi and share info. Mark told him about the surgeries available, the doctors she has seen and about this website, I hope he comes here and talks to you guys. He said he knew no one with this type of injury. How scary to feel so alone with this. He was shocked that there were surgeries available and wanted more info re:adults but Mark was limited since we deal with a child. Anyway, the SUPER COOL thing about this guy, NOTHING stops his life! All the guys at the archery place stop in their tracks and watch him with awe pull back his bow with his TEETH and get right on the target. Mark says he is one of the best bow shooters he has seen. Mark says all the little kids are just amazed by him! Just wanted to share some inspiration! Cheers- Natalie
PS- sorry if this is on here several times, still learning the new forum protocol and it's really a bit confusing for me!

Re: My husband met a TBPI...

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2002 2:26 pm
by Dave m
Thanks for telling us about that, i hope the guy does post on here he sounds quite a dude - now if he could show me how to play my guitar with my teeth that WOULD be cool! I know, Hendrix could but he wasnt human he was from planet toooo damn talented! ;O)

Re: My husband met a TBPI...

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2002 5:20 pm
by lizzyb
WOW! Thanks Natalie for posting about this man...he sounds like he has adjusted well to losing the use of his arm...pulling a bow back with his teeth...phew!!! I would LOVE to see that...all I can do is hold one side of one of those supermarket produce bags with me teeth while I tie it up to close it...and I thought THAT was damn clever!!! ;0)
I hope he finds us here; he would be inspiration to us all I think, and he wouldn't feel like the only one......how well most of us knew THAT loneliness...

Re: My husband met a TBPI...

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2002 11:22 pm
by jennyb
wow Natalie that's incredible....i've just got back from camping in the mountains, and last night round the campfire i was getting stuck into a bottle of wine because it was my 22nd bpi anniversary. there were about 30 people there including several americans-and we all got talking about my bpi and wouldn't you know it one guy had a 60+ yr old cousin in the states with a bpi from birth. it sounds like a bad one, he has no use of his lower arm at all-and he does archery the same way as your husband describes the tbpi he met, with his teeth! this guy is also a rifle and pistol crack shot but apparently he took up archery to give the deer a better chance! it was hilarious listening to this guy talking about how when they were kids the parents made him stick his right arm in his back pocket before he had a fight with his bpi cousin, and how his cousin could do EVERYTHING he could with 1 arm.....right, archery next then :0) & possibly boxing....

Re: My husband met a TBPI...

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2002 8:41 pm
by admin
Hi Natalie, I was interested to know that your husband met up with an adult bpi. I too was injured in a traumatic accident, thereby loosing the use of my right forearm and hand. A branch of a falling tree fell on my head and shoulder four and a half years ago,I had a nerve graft 6 months after the accident, with the result that I am now able to raise the arm to shoulder height and use the paralysed forearm to carry light articles. I do sometimes have problems with stabbing pain and I am guessing that it is referred from the brachial plexus to the hand and wrist. I'd like to compare notes with your friend if he is willing to correspond with me. Thanks for your message. Best wishes,
P.S. I know what its like to feel isolated with this injury and think you are the only one affected.