United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Owen's 2nd Surgery
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Owen's 2nd Surgery

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2003 2:47 pm
by orabshire
We are scheduled Oct 12-17 to go to TCH again. The first surgery was really hard. I'm not looking forward to the 2nd at all. Honestly, I'm really worried about it. I'm not certain what it why he needs it..but I know he isn't making as much progress as I had hoped with the first. He can lift his arm about 20 degrees, bend it about 20 degrees and he still has full function of his hand, but he has fallen so many times because he cannot support himself. He is walking much better now!! but after this surgery and a cast, he'll have to learn all over again.

I'm sorry I haven't posted since his first surgery. I've been very busy working 3 jobs and it seems like time is flying by. I appreciate all your support and replies.

Re: Owen's 2nd Surgery

Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2003 11:11 pm
by m&mmom
If I had too much concern over a surgery I would consider postponing it and possibly obtaining other opinions.

There have also been some parents on the boards who have held off for a bit because of that same concern, then told their child didn't need surgery down the road. You never know which way the road is going to turn so you need to trust your instincts.


Re: Owen's 2nd Surgery

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2003 12:26 am
by orabshire
Hi..thanks for the reply. I guess my fear is more of having to go through another surgery. Not the fact that it won't benefit. It's just awful to think about it and witnessing him suffering. Plus the setbacks he'll face when we get back home and having to learn to walk again with a cast on..etc.

Re: Owen's 2nd Surgery

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2003 12:41 am
by PeytonsMom
If Owen is having the ModQuad surgery after having primary surgery, whole different feeling for my husband and myself. The modquad surgery took less time and the cast that is on after surgery comes off the next day or two. The therapist there will make a splint that fits to his body. Peyton was 15months with the modquad and i was worried about the walking thing too, but she did fine. Recovery seemed quicker too. Also, the splint stays on for a month after surgery I think. When Peyt had her modquad she had to keep it on for 8 weeks. ARGH!! But we are way happy w/ the decisions we have made. I hope this helps.

Re: Owen's 2nd Surgery

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2003 12:08 pm
by JennyF
Hi this is Jenny Flory. I sent you an email about your visit to Houston. I would love to come by and meet you and Owen. I plan to be visitng families in the Hospital on Tuesday the 14th. Let me know your details and I will definately make an effort to see you. I should arrive at the hospital around 5:30 with my daughter who is now 4.
