United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • What will "we" as a bpi community accomplish in 2002?
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What will "we" as a bpi community accomplish in 2002?

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2001 7:49 pm
by Sharon G.
I wanted to motivate myself by publicly posting a task that I would like to accomplish in 2002. If we each pick something related to raising bpi awareness and work on it for a year I think that we can do great things. My 7 year old daughter Tess has a bpi and I have been working on bpi issues since her birth. I have always wanted to see Dateline or 20/20...do a story on bpi's. I have come very close a few times but something always prevents them from completing the story. It is my goal to reach a major media outlet and have them do a bpi story in 2002. It is my hope that bpi's will be much easier to research and that information /treatment will be available quickly to those that seek it. I feel that media attention will play an important role in this. Everyone pick and post something to work on this year and let's get a glimpse of what a great year it can be for those with bpi's.

Re: What will

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2001 7:55 pm
by Sharon G.
My name is Tess and I'm 7. In the year 2002 I will be doing DAP (disability awareness program) day at my brother and sister's middle school. It is in March. I will show the kids how I can shoot a basketball with one hand, tie my shoe with one hand, zipper, button and even open a milk carton with one hand. I will even bring my special "brachial plexus bike." I hope it is fun.

Re: What will

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2002 10:10 pm
by marymom
sounds to me, Tess, that would be "ability" awareness then
I would like to see the BPI community educate their members and others regarding chiropractic treatment for BPIs and plan to continue my quest in doing just that :)

Re: What will

Posted: Tue Jan 01, 2002 11:29 pm
by m&mmom
Along the lines of marymom - I will be spreading awareness about acupuncture and gestational diabetes going undiagnosed.