United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Anyone have an EMPI e-stim unit?
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Re: Anyone have an EMPI e-stim unit?

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2001 12:06 am
by blakesmom
We have discontinued use of our Focus estim unit that we received from Empi, but our PT instructed us not to touch the controls inside the unit, that this should only be done by her. As far as Empi is concerned, they have been great as far as supplies, their billing system is less than desireable, but no major problems. Did you discuss your trouble with your PT? Ours was a new unit and we used it for about 9mo, but Blake sort of plateaued. Good luck and Happy New Year!!

Re: Anyone have an EMPI e-stim unit?

Posted: Mon Dec 31, 2001 8:01 am
by admin
We use an EMPI Focus unit (we've had it about 10 months) without any problems. We actually ordered it through a local company that manufactures garments ("sleeves," "bicycle-type spandex shorts, etc.) for adults to wear during e-stim treatment for a number of issues. So far, so good!