United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Toddler Bed Fall-out Prevention
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Toddler Bed Fall-out Prevention

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2003 12:48 pm
by admin
This is a non BPI question.

My husband and I just made the transition from crib to toddler bed yesterday. Sam is only 13 months so he is kind of young to start. He slept fine during nap time but he fell out of his bed roughly 6 times last night. It was brutal on both of us parents and Sam. Poor baby but I think that he should get used to it after about a week, right? Does anyone have any suggestions as to how to keep him in the bed? There are the partial bars that stop at about 2/3 the way down the bed but he still tosses and turns and doesn't know his boundaries so...

Suggestions please! :)

Thank in advance,
Karen S

Re: Toddler Bed Fall-out Prevention

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2003 4:36 pm
by admin
Hi Karen,
My daughter went into her toddler bed at 2 1/2. She was my first so I was nervous to do it before then b/c I didn't want her getting up in the middle of the night & walking around by herself. She was fine and never fell out, but that's probably b/c of the age! =)
Ella is still in her crib and she is almost 2. Sometimes she sleeps in Hannah's bed with her though and she loves it. Ella is actually going to take Hannah's bed b/c we have a day bed for Hannah now.
I don't know what to tell you. Maybe it is too early on Sam? All kids are different so I am sure they can move out into a toddler bed at various ages. You could always try to put some couch pillows or regular pillows on the floor next to the bed & maybe bulid them up level to the bed since I know toddler beds are not high at all.
Try keeping him in the toddler bed for this week and if he keeps falling out I would go back to the crib for a while longer.
That's a hard one to give advice on! =)
Good Luck!

Re: Toddler Bed Fall-out Prevention

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2003 4:58 pm
by claudia
We used to prepare our kids for the bed by putting the mattress directly on the floor. If they "fell off" there wasn't far to go!! When we noticed them not on the floor in the morning for a while, we put them in the bed with the mattress.

hope it helps,

Re: Toddler Bed Fall-out Prevention

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2003 5:39 pm
by admin
Thanks for the advice. I will try the mattress on the floor. That is a great idea. I don't want to put him back in his crib because his bed is one of those 3 in 1 and it was such a pain to transition into a toddler bed. Selfish enough reason or what? :) Thanks though. Please keep the tips coming!

Also, how long did it take before you noticed that your little one wasn't falling off the mattress?

Re: Toddler Bed Fall-out Prevention

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2003 6:59 pm
by admin
So funny about the 3 in one b/c we had that from crib to bed before also! Isn't it such a huge pain!!
I totally wouldn't put it back into a crib after all of that work either! LOL... Good Luck in the meantime!

Re: Toddler Bed Fall-out Prevention

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2003 6:42 am
by admin
I am a diehard fan of sleeping with my children.
The best SIDS prevention and falling out of the bed prevention is to sleep with your kids, you will know when they are ready to sleep on their own, they develop the sense of where the bed ends, between maybe 18 mos and 3 depending on your child, just my opinion :)

Re: Toddler Bed Fall-out Prevention

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2003 8:55 am
by jennyinsandiego
That's so funny, I didn't reply on this thread 'cuz they all sleep/slept with us, too. But I'm up early this morning because I got kicked out of bed, literally! by my 13 mo. Wouldn't trade it though. Especially when they are tiny.

Re: Toddler Bed Fall-out Prevention

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2003 11:21 am
by admin
Oh believe me...when I replied and said how my girls sleep in bed/crib...that is only on a good night.
We have a queen bed with 4 people almost every night.
Luckily I have no dogs now.
So, I believe in letting them sleep with me also.
Hannah and Ella slept with us since their first days home, but I do try to get them in their own bed or crib some nights when I need more room. Hannah falls asleep in my bed every night and I move her into her bed after she is sleeping. By the time 8am rolls around she is somehow right back in bed where she started! =)
I think it is great when the kids sleep in mommy and daddy's bed.
And how long will they actually want to be near me as they grow older...I will take advantage of it now. =)

Re: Toddler Bed Fall-out Prevention

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2003 11:59 am
by admin
Perhaps I'm selfish - but when I think of sleeping with my kids, it makes me want to CROAK!!! I've done my share of sleeping with them, and I agree, it's special to watch their precious sleeping faces, but every night?! I'm a freak who needs a lot of sleep and my husband is scared of rolling over on them, so for us, we all have our own beds!

Re: Toddler Bed Fall-out Prevention

Posted: Tue Aug 19, 2003 2:22 pm
by admin
Guest: Null:

How old are your kids since you said you have had your share of sleeping with them? Just wondering b/c then maybe I can understand your outlook.
For my situation:
This is how I see it...
Ella is almost 2 and Hannah just turned 4.
That's why I put Hannah into her bed once she falls asleep at night, but Ella is welcome into our bed for at least a couple more years. =)
The years go by so fast and I know I will have hundreds of nights without my kids in my bed, but for these days I enjoy them by my side and cuddling all night. Nothing compares to that in MY opinion.