United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • Need to knowWeather During Camp
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Need to knowWeather During Camp

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2003 2:56 am
by admin
Hi! Does anyone know the weather conditions during the Labor Day Camp? What type of clothing will be needed? Are the nights cold? Are the days hot?
How cold is the water for swimming? Are the cabins warm or cold at night? Please let me know.

Thank you so much!


Re: Need to knowWeather During Camp

Posted: Wed Jul 23, 2003 11:26 pm
by Kwest
Hi Renee.

The weather should be comfortable (65-75) during the day and cool in the evenings and at night. Most likely we will encounter some rain, so be prepared. Jackets are probably a wise pack.

You won't actually be staying in cabins but in a hotel-like facility with typical heating systems. So don't worry about roughing it at night. I'm not sure I'd be going :-)

I'm not quite sure about water temperature but since we are still in the summer season I imagine it will be decent -- 70 degrees or higher but that's a guess. It is a lake so it won't be like a swimming pool.

As for my family, we will be taking mostly shorts and t-shirts but will pack one pair of long pants, jacket and sweatshirt for each of us. Hope this helps...

Did you receive your what to pack list, along with your transportation form? If not, you should be receiving it soon!
