United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • BPI and cosmetic Plastic Surgery
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BPI and cosmetic Plastic Surgery

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2003 7:30 am
by admin
I am a 38 year old guy that has BP injury for 20 years now as a result of a motor cycle accident in Australia.

I have experienced extreme pain over this time and still do. I have learned to cope with this and just figure that is life now, also as far as doing things one handed I do not have any problems, I enjoy the challenges I face daily.

Until recently I worked very hard usually 6 – 7 days a week 12 or more hours a day. I did this for the past 15 years. However now that I am retired I find that I never really got over the appearance of my arm. I was always to busy for it to be a concern to me. But now I find the appearance of my arm affects me socially and I would like to try and rectify this.

So, I was thinking a couple of weeks back that if a women can have breast implants or a man can have butt implants maybe something could be done in the same fashion to help the appearance of my arm.

I figured that implants inserted around the shoulder, bicep and lower arm area could make my arm look at lot more normal than it does to day after 20 years of muscle wastage.

However, when trying to find resources on the internet for anyone that has ever done such a thing or surgeons that might be able to perform such surgery I always come up with a blank.

I am really surprised that there is not more discussion on this subject because in my view this is the most debilitating part of a BPI. I don’t expect every one to agree but still I thought that this would be a hot topic. Maybe I am missing some medial reason to why this is not practical or why it can not be done.

I am posting this message for 2 reasons. One if anyone could help me find such a service or any information possible I would be deeply grateful and secondly to bring the subject up so others in my position have something to positive contemplate.

Again as I said I would be deeply grateful if anyone can help me at all. I can be contacted at ij@pobox.com

Thank you in advance.

Ian Joicey

Re: BPI and cosmetic Plastic Surgery

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2003 12:49 pm
by Paulo
Hello Ian

I agree 100% with you. That is a subject I already post. Because I went to a plastic surgeon asking for that, and he says ok. He explain me that there is an new product that is simply injected under the skin, and it acts like an protese. It molds, and can put more until have good design. He said that does not have second effects, and he can remove is there is problems. I have this schedule for end of this year.
I ask him the name of the product for I make a search on the internet, but until now he don’t give me the correct name. I am still looking for to have more info about.

Paulo G

Re: BPI and cosmetic Plastic Surgery

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2003 7:57 pm
by admin
Thanks for the info, this sounds like a better option than what I was thinking about.

Is it possible for me to get the contact details of the doctor you spoke to so I can also seek advise from him/her?

If possible address, phone number and email address.


Re: BPI and cosmetic Plastic Surgery

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2003 5:55 am
by jacko
This is an idea I hadn't thought of before. I can live with the way my arm looks (what's left of it), but the wastage in the shoulder looks terrible, and means that shirts and jackets do not hang correctly. Since my original BPI, I have built up the area around my shoulder a lot, but the top of the shoulder blade still sticks up and looks horrible. In the UK, I expect that cosmetic surgery for this is not available on the NHS. If anyone knows any different, would they like to post here ?

Re: BPI and cosmetic Plastic Surgery

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2003 8:27 pm
by admin
I have the exact same feeling with the shoulder also. I hate buying clothes, I even have had tried to have them tailored made, still looks crappy. Anyway, now I am in touch with a DR Rahul Nath, in Houston Texas. He has asked me to send him a video tape showing my BPI arm/shoulder and the non effected arm then he will discuss any possible options.

I will fwd you the information. I expect the process to take a couple of weeks.

Best Regards,

Re: BPI and cosmetic Plastic Surgery

Posted: Tue Jul 22, 2003 5:49 am
by lizzyb
Don't take this wrong Jacko...I'm not being flippant...but just stick a shoulder pad in your shirt or whatever mate...they really do work! These days they are practically undetectable...get one with a bit of velcro stitched on and it should stick to any clothing....and toupee glue to stick it to your shoulder

...a few more thoughts...I wonder if it would be possible for someone to make a stick-on or pull-on sleeve out of neoprene or something similar but shaped like muscles? They do it for film work; look at all the stick on/pull on bits they do to create muscular looks and special effects on actors. This could solve the perennial problem of the cold arm too and no invasive surgery! At least, it would look good under clothing, or if they got each persons skin colour right, it would be undetectable I reckon. Anyone really friendly with a film studio special effects department?? ;0)

Problem is tho as usual is money...I guess no-one is willing to invest in developing any idea where there would be so small a market for it....or would it BE so small??

Re: BPI and cosmetic Plastic Surgery

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2003 7:23 pm
by admin
is it just botox they inject in then...shouldn't be too expensive

Re: BPI and cosmetic Plastic Surgery

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2003 7:25 pm
by admin
is it just botox they inject in then...shouldn't be too expensive

Re: BPI and cosmetic Plastic Surgery

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2003 7:24 pm
by admin
sorry that wasn't very bright..the last thing we need is botox..meant silicone...

Re: BPI and cosmetic Plastic Surgery

Posted: Sat Aug 30, 2003 8:03 pm
by admin
Just to hear from someone who has lived with this for 20 years and is still doing well is great. I often think, i can't imagine still living with the pain and disability ten or twenty years down the road but to hear from someone else who has gives me more confidence. I suffered a tbpi May,28 1999 and underwent a Lattissimus muscle transfer about 1 1/2 years after the accident. The transfer gave my arm some life as I can bend it at the elbow which I could not do at all before the operation and it gave a bit of stability to my shoulder. I have since taken up flying as a hobby with limitations to my short and soft field landings. I am finished my private and currently have about 135 hrs. I wouldn't have accomplished this without the muscle transfer. Anyways, your posting was up-lifting to me and will help me to move forward in my life. Mail me if you have any questions about my operation, etc and thanks again for the boost.