United Brachial Plexus Network, Inc. • SPEECH PROBLEM
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Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2003 8:18 am
by Melissa_Allison
My daughter is 20 months old and I really feel that she should be saying more than what she says. She can say about 15 words. I truely feel that this is all related to her BPI. Does anyone else feel their child has a speech delay. The words she does say are clear.

She still does not do well eating table food. She will eat somethings but somethings make her gag. I still give her baby food for dinner some nights if I made something that she will not be able to eat so I know she is having a well bal. diet.

I know some how some where this is ALL RELATED TO BPI.

Has anyone come across these issues as well.



Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2003 9:29 am
by carron
hello just wanted to say Thomas is 2 and still not talking much. He has speech twice a month through EI. I have had his hearing test which was fine. But have found also the food, touch and other sensory issue's will delay speech its something to talk to your therapist about Occupational Therapist will know if you ask them to do a sensory test. You have to fill out alot of question but it shows the areas that the child needs help in .. Thomas is touch, sounds,and behavior.. Hope this helps. I will get you more info.


Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2003 11:39 am
by Connie&Andrew
Hi Melissa,

I just wanted to let you know our experiences. My BPI child was probably saying less than 15 words at 20 months. I remember at his 2 year check-up he was saying very little. He did not have the other sensory issues, though, which could be related. Andrew is now 3 1/2 and is talking fine. He doesn't seem to have any delays. He just seemed to take a little longer than some other kids.

Andrew is my 5th child. My other 4 children started talking at very different times. My oldest child was talking in sentences by 15 months. My second child was hardly saying anything at 2 years. They are now 19 & 17 and both were A students in high school. I guess my point is that all children develop so differently, so it's possible that your daughter's speech is on track for her. The fact that the words your daughter says are clear is a good sign, I think.

I think you should bring your concerns up with your doctor and get their input as to whether they feel there is a problem or not. I think as parents we can have feelings whether things are right or not and we should do everything we can to make sure our children get the best care possible.

Good luck with everything. Don't they just grow up too fast.



Posted: Thu Jul 10, 2003 8:20 pm
by tina arvizu
Gabrielle had speech delays and also gagged on her food a lot as a baby. Now at age 3 yrs 3 months she talks up a storm. She is very easy to understand now as well. At age 20 months Gabster had a very small vocabulary. By age two she could say and regonize all her letters but could not string two words together. I said she would be able to read before she would be able to talk. Well all that changed! Only as of the past 6 months has her speech really come along. Now she talks and sings from the time she wakes up until bedtime. Her PT wanted to put her in speech therapy but I wanted to give her a little more time. She had enough therapy in her life at that point. Gabster has been behind in all of her gross motor skills and speech but she has always caught up somehow. Now if we could just get this potty training thing under control! Good luck and hang in there.


Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2003 9:29 am
by claudia
Juliana was also delayed...we called her the "silent child." My other kids were NEVER silent! I actually enjoyed it for a while!
She is rather up to speed now, at almost 4 years old.

We also have that hiccup thing...I think it has to do with c4 (the diaphragm) being slightly damaged.

We did speech for about 8 months and then she seemed to start talking, so I ended it.

Good luck!



Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2003 11:11 pm
by carron
hiccup with Thomas tooooooo
Every time he laughs he gets the hiccups never fails????????

Re: He might have a speech problem

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 4:54 pm
by admin
I think my son kyle has a speech problem, he is going to be four in december and most of the time we can understand what he is saying, but most strangers don't.
when playing with other kids they tend to think he is older because he is very tall. and the'll say to me what is he saying. i'm not too worried because it took him a long time to walk also(15mths). i guess we'll just have to be patient.


Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 5:12 pm
by admin
I have been wondering about the hiccup thing, my daughter is 6 months old tomorrow and she hiccups everytime she laughs! It is believed she only has c-5, c-6 and possibly some c-7 involvelment so I thought it was just coincidental? Now I am not so sure!


Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 5:25 pm
by PeggyUBPN
Your daughter may just be working on spacial relationships and other areas of the brain (my son did this, but once he started talking he didn't stop!)

And..the food gagging could be a Sensory Integration issue.

I would get your pediatrician, peciatric neurologist and therapist to evaluate your areas of concern.

Good luck and hang in there!